I'm getting pretty tired of trying again and again...
I just bought HDAdvance 3.0 and the ethernet adaptor a few days ago, and I just CAN'T format either of my disks. I've tried with two MAXTORS (120 and 160 Gigs), and HDAdvance keeps saying "failed to format hdd", wether I put them formated in ntfs, ps2 with winhiip, with no partition at all!!!
Of course, my HDD were set to MASTER, so I'm just getting out of solutions...
i figure you have the users guide but here ther are anyway.
I see that you tried Winhiip, did you do a full format with that and not have it work?
Also did you check a compatibility chart to make 100% sure those HDD's are compatible?
Hi, that's really nice of you trying to help me. ;)
Well, I've effectively tried with Winhiip, and it failed... My hdd's are maxtor 120 and 160 GB, which are known to work perfectly in compatibility charts!!! :s
Maybe I didn't use the good partiton system... Should I choose toxic os, or 48bit standard?
Which HDD do you have in your ps2?
NB1: I don't have the installation software normally supplied with ps2 ethernet adapter, could it be the reason?
NB2: Once my hdd are ps2-formatted with Winhiip, hdadvance dump (on my pc) recognizes it, and allows me to transfers iso files, but hdadvance still asks me to format them, and then crashes...
Toxic OS is only if you have a DMS4 Pro modchip
I do not have a hard drive yet, getting it installed in a few
weeks. But i will be using a Western Digital 250GB and it will be put in an HD Combo case to mod my V12 slimline with DMS4 Pro
My friend has my old V5/6, with DMS4 Pro, and he uses a Hitachi drive and it works great for him. But the chip makes a big difference as far as how easy it was to install, format and transfer the games.
48 bit is what i assume you would use as that is what is needed to support larger hard drives.
I have heard the problem about HD Advance asking to format it every time you start.
but i will have to search for the answer to that problem. But it has happened to others as well.
Well, I too have a v5/6 ps2, and my hdd was formatted with 48bit, original os (no toxic). I really can't find the origin of that problem, so if you could find back your informations about people having the same problem, I think it could be of great help.
I tried to search on various forums about this, but all threads talking about were generally answer-less...
I haven't had the occasion yet to test my hardware with other's, but some friends might give me the opportunity in a few weeks... If I find the solution, I'll post to bring help for others being in the same case...
v5/6 are known to have problems with hard drives. I've been hearing complaints with those ps2's a while back. It's not your hard drive that's the problem it's the ps2. Try trading it in for another one