are my speakers being ruined?
Junior Member
15. May 2006 @ 00:15 |
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hi this is probably the wrong place to put this but i couldnt find anwhere else. I have these loudspeakers and they have 2 6" midranges a dome tweeter and a 10" sub on the side but the sub is not in another chamber and the sub bashes out the midrange speakers but when i unplug the sub they dont move at all, will this ruin my midrange speakers?. (p.s it is ported)
15. May 2006 @ 07:49 |
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There should be a baffle covering the midrange in my opinion. In the speakers I built, I used a heavy plastic bowl, "see tupperware," covered the back of the mid speaker with it and hot glued it into place. It should help limit distortion to the midrange.
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15. May 2006 @ 08:04 |
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Your midrange will still have crossovers ... what kind of speakers are these first of all? ...are you using a seperate sub or are these speakers active?
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15. May 2006 @ 09:12 |
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gerry1 and codydog,I see we all have the same interests...anyway I too would like to know what kind of speakers these are.Almost all recent speaker designs implement a sub enclosure around either the woofer or midrange unless the midrange has a sealed back...thus eliminating any acoustic energy interference.
Isolating the mids by either tupperware and some RTV or the old margerine tub trick filled with some acoustic dampening material would probably be a good idea.
Remember that every speaker can be tweaked and just because someone designed it does not mean they did it right!
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
15. May 2006 @ 09:14 |
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What he said.
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15. May 2006 @ 09:30 |
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@caza 125,could you provide a link to these speakers or atleast give us the make and model..I would definately like to check them out.
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
15. May 2006 @ 09:39 |
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Does not sound like ideal speaker design. Unless the sub is causing the midrange drivers to "bottom out" (move past the excursion point they are designed for) they are probably not being harmed. I suppose the extra excursion could wear out the midrange surrounds or the spiders prematurely, but the speakers will most likely be retired for other reasons long before that happens. Do they sound good with the subs running? If they sound good to you IMHO if they ain't broke, don't fix 'em.
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15. May 2006 @ 09:51 |
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Well my take on all this is as follows...these 6" speakers are probably not midranges at all, they are most likely used to produce the midrange/midbass and would have some cone excursion playing this role, but without knowing what they are... all of this is speculation.
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
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15. May 2006 @ 10:04 |
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Yeah, most mids are sealed anyway. My aren't but they required a separate enclosure. Sorry about the response lag, they won't let newbies post but every three minutes, my kids sick too, had to Dr. him.
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15. May 2006 @ 10:12 |
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Cd,Sorry to hear about your kid,I hope he gets well soon and for the noob status that should be changing for you soon also.
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
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15. May 2006 @ 10:19 |
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You have posted 124 messages to our discussion forums since you created your account on 3 May 2006. What my acct says right now. I know what I know, I help if I can, throw in an educated guess or two. I wish I had this much support when I first got interested in big boy toys.
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15. May 2006 @ 10:35 |
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Cd,the upgrade process is running a bit slow because of the changes being made and as you know safety valve posts won't count,hell I've got about 800 or so and am still a member.All in good time,I guess.
As for big boy toys..I see you like yours too.You should see/hear some of mine,and yes I've built my share of speakers too!I have a great pair sitting in a closet that will blow away the "designer" speakers in the living room but the wife says they're old looking and ugly.I guess real walnut is not in anymore! lol!
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
15. May 2006 @ 10:44 |
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No, it's either plastic, black gloss on composite board, or metal. I've only got walnut laminate, but their close to 20 years old, and with just an 80x amp will knock the collectibles off the shelves. I can smell the Old English and Liquid Gold now.
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15. May 2006 @ 10:55 |
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Yeah,I know what you mean.The speakers I've got in the living room are cherrywood piano type finish,nice to look at but nothing compared to my 90 lb. beasts in the closet driven by my Phase Linear 400.Oh Yeah!
Block party!
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. May 2006 @ 11:23
15. May 2006 @ 11:39 |
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Look at Crutchfield, it used to be, Cerwin Vega, 12" to 15" woofers. Now it is Klipsch, "or however the hell you spell it," thin towers and Bose. But either change or be a dinosaur. That's why I'm here. I had to find new interest, or renew old ones. Good place to do it. Sorry "caza125," didn't mean to tie up your thread. Just a couple of cavemen drawing stick people on the wall. CD
Junior Member
15. May 2006 @ 21:58 |
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these speakers are my own design...lmao. the sub tweeter and mid are all being powered by the same output and i have mad a crosseover. I once put the sub in a spearate chamber but it sounded really bad so i think i might do what codydog said and just have a baffle over the mids, the mids and tweeters are just sum pioneer speakers i picked up and the sub is a soundstream USA10 which hase a dual voice coil so it is wired in seires and have had no problems with the sub being serised.
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15. May 2006 @ 22:54 |
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Sounds like a plan,I think you'll notice a big difference in clarity.Let us know how they turn out.
Main System- Amd/64 3800x2 currently@ 2.5ghz. Asus A8N-E,win.xp-pro.4x1gb.Ocz platnium ddr 400,Maxtor 40gb.& 250gb.ide & 2x W.D.250 sata,Benq 1650V dvd Reader & Benq DW-1655 Writer,EVGA Geforce 7600gs,Creative Audigy-LS,Antec 750w psu. Vizio 37"hdtv monitor 1360x768@75hz.
Junior Member
16. May 2006 @ 02:09 |
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ok thanks for the advice guys. btw they sound really gud at the moment especially after i pt the low pass filter on.
16. May 2006 @ 21:03 |
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caza125, if you don't already have them, I can post in my blog equations to build boxes to the speakers specifications. Also tuning ports, and other stuff I forgot long ago but would be glad to look up for you.
Junior Member
16. May 2006 @ 23:49 |
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17. May 2006 @ 00:05 |
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Ok, give me a day to go through all of my notes. Most car speakers are open air, not meant to be in an enclosure. This is where your distortion is coming from. Use the bowl method, put some insulation, "some people use 1" fiberglass," it's ok for the sides of the box, but I would use polyester pillow balleling. It doesn't break down as easily as fiberglass, and won't get into the cone, core, structure. For your subwoofer, experiment with insulation. You can actually increase the box size 10 to 20 percent by adding insulation. This will give the speaker a virtually larger box to operate in. What type of sub is it? It may be an acoustic type that needs a sealed enclosure to work properly. I'll ge the equations put in and let you know.
17. May 2006 @ 00:39 |
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To view the equations I've transcoded so far click my name and then my blog. This is as word for word as I could get. I will need a lot more time to decrypt the enclosure and port design specs. Lots of variables. This is becoming an ancient art, the new peakers just need to be stuck in a proprietary box.
Junior Member
17. May 2006 @ 04:16 |
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thanks so much for the speaker notes it will help me alot. the sub is a 'Soundstram USA10'at the moment there is just sum dacron in the box.
Junior Member
17. May 2006 @ 04:16 |
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thanks so much for the speaker notes it will help me alot. the sub is a 'Soundstram USA10'at the moment there is just sum dacron in the box.
Junior Member
17. May 2006 @ 04:30 |
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if u click on my name then u can check out the pics of my box and there should be pics of the sub specs