I have followed the diagrams & instructions on how to mod the ps2, i have a slimline, tried the directions as described, borrowed my mates swap magic to try it out and it reads the disc, then says load program, press x then it just runs and comes up, 'There is no data'...what have i done wrong? Ps2 works fine still with originals, so I havent broken it!!!
what r u using 2 create backups. What kind of media are u backing up your games with? What games are u backing up? What version ps2 are u using? Need more info to help u out:)
my question to people is why not just spend the $10 and but the proper tools.
You take a risk with all those tape & tissue or straw mod methods.
They are a cheap rig job and there is no telling what you can do to your system.
thanks, i see you changed your as well.
I like modded cars as much as modded game systems :)
I have friends over at Extreme-Source who are great at making sigs, there is a sig request forum there.
They can make one with a picture of the SVT Stang with your name on it then put a small video of the car in the corner. That would be sweet.
other choices they made me, they made me about 7:
Thx Steimy for the info!! I will head over to xtreme-source and check that forum out. I would be greatful if some1 would be willing to help me create a sig, cause as u can see, I dont know how LOL:)
Chances are it's the backup. If u managed to swap the games without having the PS2 thinking you opened the lid (basically refreshing the TOC) than you have correctly used the tape and tissue mod. The problem is your game is most likely corrupt.
I suggest you try your backup game on your friends ps2, if it does work, then I suggest you just try to reburn the game on a new disc (I highly doubt that will happen though). However, if the game doesn't load then check these things
1. Is the file you downloaded corrupted, or not in iso format
2. What are you using to burn the games, you should be using Alchoal 120%, or DVD Decryptor (I perfer DVD Decrpytor)
3. What media are you using to burn the game? If you are using a poor DVD-R disc then maybe that's the problem (I know people say Memorex sucks, however I love it. It's been unbelievably reliable to me unlike many other brands)
As for why people don't want to buy the tools. I personally find the tape and tissue method better/cheaper than the rest. With Fliptop I've heard you must be VERY careful when attaching the top, not only that, but I've heard people have problems swapping the discs because the ps2 thinks the lid is open. As for the magic tools and magic keys set, it's like the same thing as tape and tissue except for the fact it's got a few extra steps and it costs a few bucks. As for inserting a mod chip, 1. it costs a good deal of money to buy/install 2. many modchips are detected when trying to go online even when you've patched the game.
I've just recently used the tape and tissue mod and I must say, It's amazing! You couldn't tell that the ps2 was altered when looking on the inside (I used ppc-pipe tape) and barely notice the little tissue ball inside the sensor on the tray. I really like the tape and tissue mod as it is a much quicker swap than anything I have seen