Hey guys, recently at my dads work 2 men broke into the warehouse and stole some of these frame type things. The security cameras picked up an image, but there isnt a liscence plate in the picture, all we have is whats there. I have been trying to somehow get the logo on their sweatshirts to be clarified, but no luck so far. Any help is greatly appreciated and there [U]may[/U] be an award if we catch these guys. Here is the picture:
Just my 2 cents.
I see america on the side of one of the semi trailers, so I asume this is either us or canada.
Older ford king cab with split side windows, year, maybe late 80's early 90's has the factory f250 wheels
Maroon and silver or white
Guy on the left late 20's early 30's square shoulders, large frame, seems to have a mullet dark hair, close to 6'
Guy on right I?d say late 40's, early 50's ?older stature.? about 5'10"
This is close to the make of vehicle.
I wish I could help more. But my photo software is archaic. I can't get to the jacket design. This would be a felony, and if you think it might have gone interstate, the FBI "might," help. They have the good stuff. I'm sure some of the photo addicts here will be able to pass the image through some filters. And maybe the design will show. CD.
I worked on it a couple of hours. Tried all of the filter variations I could. I downloaded some photo apps, they claimed to be able to enhance. But couldn't get past the pixelation. Just to throw this in, your police dept, should have entered the vehicle description into NCIC, and there would probably be thousands of returns in a 50 mile radius. But if you haven't already, look closely at the list. See if any of the names are companys, check their logos. More than likely this is someone you have done business with, ex-employ, or employ contact. Good luck.
I haven't forgotten. Got some new software. Able to invert colors and reduce some pixelation. I know the image is small, but right click on the picture, then save picture as, then save it to your desktop. Then use windows picture and fax viewer, then zoom in. You can make out what looks like a bird or eagle. Best I could do.