what programs do i need to capture video in a resolution higher than the one i have (320x240)i dont care about the size my hard drive its big enough 120 ghz
i have a dv video camera samsung with a usb conection i have windows xp pro p4 3.0 512mem dvd recorder i have nero start smart includes (vision express ,recode media home nero backitup) or do i need another video editing software to get a higher resolution because later i want to put it on a dvd to playit on my home dvd player.any help please is welcome.
"120 ghz "
Did you mean GB? Also what are you currently using to put these files on your computer, Nero? Ive never done capture via USB, i thought firewire was always used, but there should be an option somewhere for capturing in DV AVI. If not try getting a video editing program, like pinnacle, adobe, windvd, many out there, maybe some free ones but none that i know of. I know virtual dub can capture, and its free but im not sure if it can from a camcorder (never tried) so its worth a shot.
Good luck
i dont know what i was thinking yes "GB" and im using the software that came with the samsung video camera "bad software" and it doesnt have a dv AVI capturing option neither Nero and thanks very much men.
no problem, give it a shot with VirtualDub though and tell me how it goes, if that doesent work than your bestbet would be to get a video edciting program. You might try windows movie maker for capture also, i think it supports capturing in DV AVI but again im not sure.