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Burning .avi files from HD to CDR
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23. May 2003 @ 10:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm using Nero 5.5 (and the wizard) but am having problems burning to CD. I checked the box in the wizard to create a Data CD (moslty because I'm experimenting with a small auto run menu). Everything went on O.K but when I tried to access the file on the CD it wouldn't run (an error in win media). I check properties and it said it was corrupted and it won't complete the download when I try and put it back on my HD (basically the CD's unrecoverable).

Before I try again I was wondering where I went wrong. I noticed that there was a special movie section in the Nero wizard should I use that? (I still need it to accept the file that make the autorun menu - .exe .ini files). The movie only needs to work P.C (I don't need an SVCD). The movie definalty works when I run it off my HD. Nero makes it "finished" (I believe this is a kind of stopper on the disc to stop anymore info being added to it) as otherwise it won't fit on to the disc (its about 701 megs in total) so once I burn if its messed up the disc is lost :(

SeK 612

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24. May 2003 @ 03:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How fast did you burn?
Did you burn to a cd-r or cdrw?
AVI (DivX) is burned as "data" and if the avi file plays just fine from your hd then the file shouldn't be corrupted(no audio\video sync problems). Burn as data to a cd-r and burn slow (8x) and be sure DivX 5.x codec is installed. When burning any type of video (DivX, VCD, SVCD), burn no faster than 8x m8. Open Nero>File>Preferances>Expert Features>
and check overburn and set cd maximum length to 90 min.

Shoey :)__

Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2003 @ 03:17

24. May 2003 @ 03:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I got it the second time around (used easy CD instead). I was using a CDR and it was burning at 40x (I ran a test before the second run and it said it could operate at that speed). I think the problem was either 1) the filename - it might be nothing but it was a very long name so I just renamed it to a shorter version the second time aroun 2)I think I burt the copy that I was using to check the auto menu (this I hadn't checked to see if it was working) - the second time I burnt the proper one). The automenu only works when the CD drive icon is clicked on (because I missed a few files out - including the main .ico one which is a bit annoying) but overall it went o.k for my first attempt at burning a movie :)

<edit>Does it matter if I burn a movie onto CDR at 40x or should I keep the speed down - time doesn't really matter so long as the file works well.</edit>



This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2003 @ 03:56

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24. May 2003 @ 05:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does it matter if I burn a movie onto CDR at 40x
Burning video at high speeds can cause serious playback problems as I stated in my previous post. Again, burn video (DivX, VCD, SVCD) NO faster than 8x. Glad to hear you got it right m8. Many DVD\CD-Roms can't handle video burned at high speeds as well as home dvd players that support VCD, SVCD. If you encounter audio\video sync playback problems it could be the video is out of audo\video sync (internet downloads or your own dvd rips&encode) or burning too fast.

Shoey :)

Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2003 @ 05:21

Senior Member
3. June 2003 @ 18:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats right i also was experiencing the same problems however it also does depend upon the cd-r u use i personally from constant burns of avi films has come to realise that unbranded CD's are the best for burning 700Mb films as a data file ontot he cd
also because u finlise the cd and take up the entire space on the CD its best to burn the cd at a slow rate this alos has helped

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