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Calibrating GC laser lens
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28. June 2006 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone tell me how to measure the output of the laser. I've seen other members referencing the output in ohms and was wonder how you measure that and what you measure it with? I'm trying to fix my kid's GC so the info would be most helpful. Thanks.
28. June 2006 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Firstly is the cube not any reading games (original retail)?

If not you need to adjust the POT. You need to use a multimeter & turn the dail to 'ohms' setting.

Also, do you have a modchip installed in the cube?

The link below will explain the rest:
28. June 2006 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, that link tells me what I wanted to know. It's kind of a long story but the short version is, no it does not have a modchip, and no, right now it doesn't read any games. But I think that's my fault. I want to calibrate the laser and see if that makes a difference. I have a multimeter (if I can find it). I'll update the thread with the results. Thanks again.
29. June 2006 @ 07:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, that certainly seemed to help. I'll document my whole problem in case someone else has similar problems. My GC started getting DRE's regularly so I searched around and found you could adjust the pot. on the board. All I could find was people saying "turn it just a few degress counter-clockwise". So I tried that and it worked for awhile but the DRE's kept recurring. I figured the laser was bad so I bought a replacement from an ebay seller named DoubleTech. The price was pretty reasonable, including shipping it was about $25 and it appears to be a new, Nintendo part. Anyway, I put the new laser in and the GC didn't work at all, no laser, no spin, nothing. So I did a little more research and discovered 1) I should probably learn how to measure the laser calibration and 2) there were two little dots of solder on the laser ribbon that needed to be removed for it to work.

Thanks to Cubefreak's link there was a great picture that showed where to put the multimiter probes so could measure the output ohms. Once I calibrated the laser and removed the solder and put it all back together it now works. I guess the real test will be so see how long it lasts.

Thanks again for the info.
Junior Member
4. July 2006 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
inuse01 could u help me with the lens replacement, is there a link to a site where u got the information about removing the solder dots, or could u write a short guide or something
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6. July 2006 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
7. July 2006 @ 07:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't really feel qualified to write a guide, I was kind of winging it with the attitude that if I screwed it up I'd chalk it up to experience and buy another GC.
Based on your question I'm going to assume you just need help with the solder nodule(s). There were two on my lens ribbon. Some apparently only have one. Most of the information I found just said "remove the anti-static solder". There was one site that said to remove it with 15W solder. I assumed that meant a 15 watt soldering iron. I used my soldering iron, plugged into my wall socket. I have no idea what wattage my soldering iron is but I just lightly stroked the solder nodules as the iron was heating up and eventually the nodules just dissipated.
I hope this helps, if you need more advice post a reply and I'll try to help. Good luck.
Junior Member
10. July 2006 @ 12:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK Im having a problem here cause I looked at my old lens and comparing it with the new lends and I see no difference between the two. Were exactly are the spots that Im suppose to desolder. Do you have and pics of it
11. July 2006 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I found a guide online that has some decent pictures. To get the full guide you have to buy their product but this partial guide should help. Figure #19 shows where the solder is. The download link is:

Let me know if there's a problem with the link. Good luck. > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > calibrating gc laser lens

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