It seems that whenever a certain google AD tries to
activate it always seems to crash ie7.
(I know that its probably a problem with google or ie7 itself.)
I have reported it to microsoft every time it has happened.
Which seems to be more and more often every day.
I have the newest versions and all updates active and current,
as I am a genuine windows user and have access to all the updates.
I just wanted to post to see if anyone else was having the same problem,
I know everyone has there issues with IE but I like it and changing
Is not an option.
(So please no IE bashing ect...)
Thanks in advance,
Was on the phone with ms for 45 minutes today. Couldn't tell me any more than I have already done. I'm running beta 3 now. Won't open links in a new tab, and won't update icons. But the tech said the full release will be in august and to be patient. I read the ms ie7 forums while waiting, a lot of people are having the same problems. They are fixing them in the final, but not providing fixes for the betas.