moderators and selective moderation
13. July 2006 @ 17:28 |
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I find it curious, and extremely disapointing when I see moderators treating some people and their posts with respect, then sh**ing all over some newbie's post, or junior member.
Closing a thread and calling it "useless", while posting with humor in a thread that is just as useless, that was started by senior members is bullsh**.
Calls by moderators for noobs or Jrs to fix their sig because it is above virtual space alottments yet still within physical alotments, while leaving huge sigs of senior members beyond both physical and virtual limits is more bullsh**. There is no asterik that says senior members are above and beyond the rules.
Heavy handed moderation is 1 thing, but at least be universally heavy handed. The best way to chase away fresh ideas is to be an a**hole to newcomers.
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Suspended permanently
13. July 2006 @ 18:25 |
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Quote: while leaving huge sigs of senior members beyond both physical and virtual limits is more bullsh**. There is no asterik that says senior members are above and beyond the rules.
Actually Senior memebrs know the rules and follow them.Some(and not many) Seniors have permission to leave thier sigs the way it is and it is usually maybe 2 or 3 kb over the limit.....And BTW mods to tell senior if thier sig is too big in either Private messege or in a thread.
Quote: I find it curious, and extremely disapointing when I see moderators treating some people and their posts with respect, then sh**ing all over some newbie's post, or junior member.
They don't,they only close useless threads or threads that are not following the rules.
Quote: Closing a thread and calling it "useless", while posting with humor in a thread that is just as useless, that was started by senior members is bullsh**.
Umm sorry to say but your post was useless....This isn't a gymnyst site is it?No, this is a techie site...
Quote: heavy handed moderation is 1 thing, but at least be universally heavy handed. The best way to chase away fresh ideas is to be an a**hole to newcomers.
It is "universally heavy handed" Addicts and down are still elligble for banning and have to follow rules...
SO untill you read them you will not gain respect from anyone....
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. July 2006 @ 18:25
13. July 2006 @ 19:16 |
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well here's the thing, we cant make everybody happy, so we dont try. we run the site the way we see fit and nothing more. no amount of bitching and whining is going to change the way we do things around here, what we do works for the masses but unfortunately someone gets their feelings hurt no matter what we do. Sorry you're not enjoying your stay with us, but there's plenty of other tech forums out there and no one is forcing you to be here. let me make this clear, that statement is a general one, not meant towards any one person. we know there is no way to make every one of our members happy, so the ones that aren't happy can feel free to leave and we wont hold it against them.
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
13. July 2006 @ 19:26 |
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I recieved permission by 1 mod in a thread to leave my sig that was just a shade over the 50 K limit (which was my bad, I thought I put the version I shrunk on photoshop) but was told by another mod in a PM to chuck it after a senior member complained. I see many senior members with HUGE sigs, and nothing get's said. Again, there is no asterik anywhere in the rules that say they are afforded extra privledges.
So the fishing thread in the safety valve is following the rules? The how long does pot stay in your system (both threads) is more along the lines of acceptable in the safety valve? Is it more technical? Sorry, I wasn't aware this was a technical/fishing/pot cleansing forum. IMO, there is a hell of alot more "blowing off steam" when one lifts then when one fishes or cleanses their system of pot.
I read the rules, and aside from 1 oversight, which I freely admit and corrected, I follow them. Frankly, I don't care to have your respect. So no worries on that note.
@ Darthnip,
I was a mod on 2 audio forums, untill they became too much work for me to incorporate in my real life... so I understand moderation, and the inability to keep everyone happy. But moderation is like reffing a ballgame, there should be equal treatment of everyone and every penalty. A ref can't let Terrel Owens dropkick a defender without a penalty and then penalize Eric Moulds for just grabbing a shirt. If a thread on exercise is deemed worthless in the safety valve forum, then where dso the threads I pointed out above fit in? It is illogical, and a display of favoritism, or a lack thereof. I expect it from some people, but mods need to treat everyone equally.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. July 2006 @ 19:33
AfterDawn Addict
13. July 2006 @ 19:36 |
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So the fishing thread in the safety valve is following the rules?
thats the only board ye can talk about fishing or what ever...
the title of the board...
Safety valve
Feel like letting off some steam? Just want to tell everyone how much the world sucks today? Or how wonderful it is? Go ahead!
Please listen up,this board the Safety valve is a place to let some steam off..as it can be ridiculous ,stupid.Enjoyable,entertaining,boring,fun,jerky,childish,insane,
harebrained,asinine,juvenile,sensible,jokes,movies,baseball,basketball,hockey, sports of any kind or any thing ye can think of what it can be..so please lets not jump on any posters.
Lets make the Safety valve a fun place to be and to post..
lets have fun..even post pictures.AND ANY HOT NEWS....
13. July 2006 @ 19:36 |
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Quote: Calls by moderators for noobs or Jrs to fix their sig because it is above virtual space alottments yet still within physical alotments, while leaving huge sigs of senior members beyond both physical and virtual limits is more bullsh**. There is no asterik that says senior members are above and beyond the rules.
By my count I've pm'd five seniors and addicts in the last two days alone to reduce or change their sigs so stuff that crap about favoritism. If you want to pay me a full time wage to sit here all day and make sure 100% of the sigs are within spec then go for it but until then if you see a sig thats out of spec then report to me or any other mod instead of sitting there bitching about it.
This is a community and we work as a community with everyone pitching in to help us mods cover more ground but right now you're one of those people that sits on the sidelines pointing fingers at everyone but doing nothing about it. I answer 100% of my pm's so next time you see something that bothers you try doing something about it instead of starting a thread like this.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. July 2006 @ 19:38
Suspended permanently
13. July 2006 @ 19:38 |
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Quote: But moderation is like reffing a ballgame, there should be equal treatment of everyone and every penalty
Yes but there are only a handful of moderators and over half a million memebers..and as Darthnip said,"We can't keep track of everybody and we don't try to."
13. July 2006 @ 20:02 |
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I know that is the only forum we can talk about whatever in... so why not let everyone talk about whatever there? I love the fishing thread, I love fishing. I like to see what interests people have. It seems some mods don't like certain thread contents (usually by noobs) and they close it. It just isn't right to let some "useless" threads fly and others get shut down for no reason.
I need to state, after reading Nephilim's reply, that I don't mean all mods seem to pull favorites. I think overall the mods are quite fair. I appologise for being so broad in my commentary above that it might seem like I meant all of the mods. Also, I have no issues with the sigs sizes, or the threads I listed either... it is just selective treatment that gets my goat.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. July 2006 @ 20:07
Senior Member
1 product review
14. July 2006 @ 00:26 |
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I do agree that sandt38 should have PM'd ddp to find out why his thread was closed instead of starting this thread. But I do wonder how in the safety valve one thread is any more useless than another. I know for a while mods were trying to cut down on post padders and closing threads there, but safety valve posts don't count anymore, so why bother? If a thread is truly useless it will die out on its own.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. July 2006 @ 00:26
14. July 2006 @ 04:53 |
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exactly! if you have a problem with something that a mod has done, PM them about it. starting threads like this just adds fuel to the fire. if you really want an exercise thread, then start one named exactly that, "the exercise thread" or something to that effect, if others are interested it will stay active and i will personally see to it that it stays open.
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
14. July 2006 @ 07:47 |
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Your query is exactly my query, it is illogical to consider my thread any more useless then the hickey removal thread. I watched the flow of the forum before beginning my own thread, as I always do in a "free for all" forum environment, to ensure it was in line with the others in the forum section.
Also, I did PM the mod directly and was essencially told to get lost, tough sh**. So I did as I was told, and PMed an Admin. But this is a "feedback" forum, so I decided to leave feedback, while being fairly unspecific in my initial commentary.
I appreciate your similar sentiment, but my primary question was about lifting, so I felt the title suited well enough. Now, having read the rules ;) I know it would be against them to start a new thread about the same thing, so I don't feel this would be the correct course of action. However, I would definately like a thread about exercise (I actually recieved a few PMs about it, asking questions and advice which I forwarded to the thread closer and the admin to show how "useless" others thought it was) since it is an important aspect of our everyday lives, and if you feel like I am within the rules in doing so, I would love to start another thread with your approval.
And Darthnip and Nephilim, you two have proven to be very open, and fair moderators. For that I thank and commend you both.
Suspended permanently
14. July 2006 @ 08:04 |
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Don't forget that ddp is a really good and fair moderator also Flip and herbsman.
14. July 2006 @ 08:47 |
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tocool, it is me he is complaining about!
Senior Member
14. July 2006 @ 09:04 |
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Don't see what the problem is as ddp just addressed something I reported and quite swiftly I might add :).
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. July 2006 @ 09:05
Suspended permanently
14. July 2006 @ 11:09 |
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As did i, as i feel it's pretty useless to have subcategory threads on every single possible topic.
No need to clutter up the forum with even more threads and make existance harder on the search function, when it can all be fit into one thread.
Weightlifting could just as easily be discussed in the already existant sports thread, and it would get the same amount of replies from other enthusiasts.
And as for you claiming favoritism, as an example, earlier this week my sig was too big, and i was pm'ed about its size as well, and had to bring it down.
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
14. July 2006 @ 12:00 |
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So by your reasoning there should only be 1 thread about CCE-SP, instead of the massive number of threads that specify specific problems, or advantages, etc.? Or maybe 1 thread for all the DVD-Shrink issues, or DVD-RB issues instead of a whole forum categories of them?
It is illogical to consider elimination of all "subcategories", as the forum posts on a single subject would seem infinate, and searching the thread for viable information regaurding one's question would be virtually impossible.
When most people think "sports" they think football, baseball, soccer, hockey, etc.... You know, professional big entertainment sports. They rarely consider skeet shooting, dove hunting, fishing (which has it's own thread I don't see anyone complaining about ;) ), deep sea diving, or simply working out. Which is why I created a thread targeting weightlifting rather than to add to the "Sport" thread already in existance. I know I wouldn't target the "favorite sport" thread for lifters, particularly since it is definately NOT my favorite sport (meaning my post would violate the forum rules). Also I waited untill after searching for "work out", "exercise", "lift(ing)", and "weightlifting", so as to eliminate the creation of a redundant thread.
I followed the rules, then I followed what appeared to be the forum etiquitte, and IMO I was treated in a differant manner then the vast majority of posters on here. And I am not the only one, I have seen instances of this elsewhere, but I will not be pointing fingers at or for everyone/anyone else. I am not a general activist, just someone who doesn't appreciate unfair treatment.
I am not attempting to point out every good and poor moderator on the board (as I see them), and I refuse to point out the mods I feel are heavyhanded towards specific individuals or groups of individuals. I did want to commend the 2 who posted here and looked at my reasoning, and saw justification in my statements of fairness. As a former moderator and administrator, I am aware that your peers can help influence you in the right direction, if you have ventured off the "fair" path, as I have admittedly done myself. Sometimes a meeting of the minds among moderators (Mods usually have their own forum where they discuss issues on the board, beyond what members' eyes can see ;) ) can resolve issues of unfairness towards forum members. So when one shoots down a PM by the member complaining without hesitation, it should be brought into a forum atmosphere for all the mods to see both sides of it, as well as varying opinions from other members. IMO it is extremely advantageous, from the perspective of fairness and community.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. July 2006 @ 12:10
Senior Member
14. July 2006 @ 12:09 |
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I feel as if a lot of that isn't true sandt38.
I remember when my sig had a link in it ireland was rough with me as he would be with anyone, I'm one of the senior's Neph recently PM'd, proves that mod's are not "status-ist" (theres a new one...lol)and theres plenty of other stuff thats happened in the forums to prove your theory wrong.
The mod's here are great, thats the truth and NOT an attempt of "kissing up", the team here @ aD are experienced and fair, the decisions they make are the right ones, you have every right to debate them, but you'll probably be wrong, thats the truth.
How about we give them a little more credit, you have no idea how hard it is to watch a huge site like aD, most think its some sort of privilege or "cool title", I'd think of it as more on a job...theese men and women don't even get paid!!
Cut 'em some slack :)
14. July 2006 @ 12:14 |
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I DO know what it is like to mod, and admin huge forums, and I know it is not easy. I added a section directed toward tocool in my post right above yours addressing why I made the statement, and post, that I did.
Like I said, it is not every single mod being heavyhanded, just some select mods... and it is not like they are wrong for being heavyhanded, but at least be consistant in moderation ;).
Suspended permanently
14. July 2006 @ 12:41 |
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I just decided that i'd post what you just pm'ed me, so as to open up a little discussion here...
Quote: sandt38
Junior Member
_ 14. July 2006 @ 15:41
Not trying to be a jerk, but you really shouldn't post about your sig size being corrected when it is still to big. You might draw attention to the fact that it is still 60 pixels too big ;).
Oh really ? max sig size seems to be 500 by 200 pix, with 50 kb size.
mine is 500 by 160pix, 45.7kb...
Quote: I just figured I'd mention it before you get another PM.
Yeah, riiiiiiight.
Quote: Frankly I don't see the harm in it, so I am not going to post this in a public forum where you might get put in the ringer because of it, but I want to bring it to your attention.
but you did decide to try and be smart with me in a pm then?
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
14. July 2006 @ 13:11 |
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http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)