Using smart ripper over networks ..
Firstly , both pc and laptop need too be on the same network and group , as for ip numbers and stuff , just leave that on auto , they'll sort it out for themselves . dont forget too give each a name , makes it easy too tell the drives apart over the network .
I have a habit of even naming drives .
Amd xp cpus do not like last number in network being 2 , they'll freak out , so leave em on auto .
Getting down too it .
You will need too setup shared permissions on the laptop as , dvd drive , thats all .
Pc should not require anything being shared , but share atleast 1 drive .
I would recommend smartripper being run from the pc , not on the laptop .
fire up smartripper on pc , and browse for the drive , you should be in some sort of explorer type viewer showing drives , this is the fun bit .
you need too keep going back , untill you see the network icon , then double click it , then keep moving forward untill you get too the laptop , then the dvd drive which is being shared .
Now smart ripper should go beserk .
If you are following a guide on smartripper and how too use it , use that .
All you need do last , is point it where the files are too be saved , and you are done , just sit back and let it do all the work .
I love frame serving accross networks .
Amd k62 ------------- Amd 1800xp , works for me .
Hope this helps you ..
Just remmember .
1: both need too be on same network "Group"
2: laptop only shares "dvd drive"
3: pc launches smartripper
4: locate shared laptop dvd drive via network
5: smartripper dose its thing
6: tell it where too save it (on pc hd drive)