P R O B L E M S (SLOWS DOWN) with media player 9
2. June 2003 @ 18:41 |
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I used an older version of WMP... and when I tryed to play a n MP3 file after 2-3 secons WMP slows down a little the speed of the MP3 file... I fast forward and then starts at normal speed and then after another 2-3 sec. it slws down again...
Today I installed WMP 9 and it happens the same...
What Should I do to solve it??
Staff Member
2. June 2003 @ 22:10 |
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Yes I admit that would drive me completely insane!! What kind of PC you got?? Give me some specs and how many programs would u be running at once?? install anything new lately?
3. June 2003 @ 12:15 |
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thanx 4 trying to help... :) I got a intel P4 2.6 mhz 512 ddr, 80 GB HDD and I use it mainly for music production... and yes i've installed some new audio plugins and audio/video codecs but guess that's no excuse... is it? still don't know what to do... and more: when i try to unzip some files from my cdrom drive it is not possible and it says that some ms-dos problems have occured... whatta f@#* is wrong with it?? :) thanx, V.
Staff Member
3. June 2003 @ 17:38 |
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Did you have problems before you installed the new audio plugins and codecs???
As for the problem with the cd-rom drive, when you say unzip, what do you mean, is there a zip file on the cd?? lol
7. June 2003 @ 09:48 |
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It is only happening with mp3 files... I unistalled the WMP9 and use the old win2k MP and everything was perfect... No slow downs... :) then, reinstalled the WMP9 and the same problems...but only with mp3 files... no matter if from cdrom drive (cd in my cdrom drv :))LOL) or HDD(mp3 stored on my hard disk drive...)... so guess I need some kind of mp3 decoder for it...or don't know... c ya, V. PS:Dela,where are you from?
Staff Member
8. June 2003 @ 21:46 |
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The Republic Of Ireland :D you?
9. June 2003 @ 17:05 |
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... Romania :( :))
and...still got the bloooody problem... :)
Staff Member
10. June 2003 @ 18:27 |
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I have had bad mp3 problems myself in the past mate, i know how bad it can be, sooo annoying!! the thing that gets to me mostly is its usually just a small problem!
25. June 2003 @ 12:29 |
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Have you solved your problem? I have the same. After I've installed WMP9 with some video/audio codecs.. Now WMP slows down on mp3 files after 2-3 secs.. All other players work fine.
I have P4-1,9Ghz/512RAM/Sb-Audigy and I don't think that it is a hardware problem...
26. June 2003 @ 13:06 |
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I had the opposite problem. After downloading WMP 9 all of my MP3's sounded like Alvin & The Chipmunks. (every thing was speeded up with result all music and more noticable voices where up an octive. Tried to resolve problem for three days. Including deleting all codecs and doing fresh install of codecs. Finally resolved the problem by formating drive and doing complete fresh install of OS and programs. I am now staying with WMP 7.4 with updated codecs.
Staff Member
26. June 2003 @ 21:18 |
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My god that last problem mentioned would be bad! It does sound like a codec problem though, one of those annoying messy codecs that is there but u cant find it!
28. June 2003 @ 14:33 |
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I too have started having problems with the first 5 seconds of an MP3 track slowing down, then going back to normal. Very annoying, tried reinstalling but I still have the problem. Anyone know how I can remove all codec's currently loaded on the system?
28. June 2003 @ 16:03 |
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In 2K go to control panel>sounds and multimedia>hardware>high light Audio Codecs then click on properties. Then click on properties tad. You will be able to see a list of the audio codecs with an option to remove. Then you will have to re-install the codecs that you removed. The easiest way is to re-install the programs that provided the codecs.