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Junior Member
21. July 2006 @ 10:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Guys,
I am in the market on buying or getting a copy of a certain software to list a DVD playlist and database. I will give you an example and let me know if there is anything out there that is best suited for what I need. Lets say I have 500 DVD's, and I load them all into my PC (I have alot of storage space). So I have all of my DVD's loaded onto my PC. I would like to get some sort of software program that can list everything for me and I can select what I would like to record to DVD and then burn it (like a Nero for example). Does anyone know of any software that has this capability. Basically I would like to build a big list and be able to pick and choose which to record to DVD on a daily basis as I record DVD's. Any help would be much appreciated.
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2006 @ 17:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know about a program that will catalog and then look it up and burn the movie right from the catalog look up, but here is a great catalog system:

try this one, DVDProfiler check it out:

you can get your free copy at

this is how I catalog my DVDs and put them into a DVD box:

you can just use DVDProfiler then then use RipIt4Me, it's free and does a great job... here is the guide that has all the free programs and how to use it perfectly:


and you just have to get the free 21 day trial of AnyDVD & CloneDVD:

these are the easiest ways to do the newer releases. When you become more ambious then there are plenty of other programs that you can dive into.

but this is a must read for all newbies:

the Guides:

enjoy and burn away!

Junior Member
23. July 2006 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey IHoe,
Thanks for the quick response. The catalog system looks great but not quite what I am looking for. I am not recording movies, these are seperate files from different DVD's which I am going to mix and match (video files). So what I want to do is dump all of the DVD's onto my hard drive and I can just view them using Windows Explorer but I want to get a program that I can select which video files and then burn them to a DVD. I can leave the video files in mpeg2 format so I don't have to do any converting. This software would have to be able to let me create a menu and pick different files all the time to burn to DVD. Any idea's?
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2006 @ 20:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
good luck..... you should go to the software companies and ask them to get to work doing something like that! Database, retrieval, burning all in one! like I said, Good Luck!
Senior Member
26. July 2006 @ 18:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't know if it catalogs, or not, but a guy I know at a home theater forum used a program called "TMPGEnc DVD Author", to make menus and pick single chapters from movies (not sure if software picked chapters, or if he already had picked them, and put in a folder), and made a demo disc, of good Dolby Digital scenes, for home theater enthusiasts.

I know this will do part of what you want, but not sure of just how much it does. You also need to know that it's not a free program.......
Good luck!

Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
check dvd profile on the web

Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 17:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
they are usally freeware (LIMITED) or shareware and cost money

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