Have searched threads, can't find a solution, I feel like an idiot but here goes...
Am trying to recombine split files for a game image into a usable format... package came as approximately 55 15mb files and an SFV file.
I've recombined the files using easy SFV creator (and scanned them to ensure integrity) to make one large iso sized file.. now, do I need to rename this file, and to what? Have tried mounting on Alcohol under common extensions, but not having much luck.. (I'm pretty sure I'm renaming correctly.. I'm showing hidden extensions in Windows, after all...)
what am I doing wrong (sound of head banging against wall...)
not sure about the volume label, came packaged as is, but sfv files indicate total volumes. have successfully used iso's in the past, but this is the first where I've tried to recombne one. I usually just load them up on a virtual drive until i'm finished with them and then delete them, but this one is proving tricky..
the files came as a winRAR package, decompressed them to get indvidual packages and SFV file. Will try and see if my copy of WinRAR is uptpdate before I do anything else though...
I'm stumped as to why the file was compressed like this. Having the advantage of very fast bandwidth, I saved myself the trouble and got another version, for back up purposes you understand, which wasn't cut up like this. I am interested as to why a file would be packed like this? It was originally a large TAR file which when unpacked, became 50-odd files of an unknown format and an SFV? If anyone knows, I'd still be interested.