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7. August 2006 @ 06:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Mc Exploit:
What is it?
The Mc exploit is an exploit that is used to run homebrew or any piece of code off the ps2. There was a flaw in how the ps2 read psx(ps1) games. The exploit makes it capable to run any psx game and make it boot up the files that is stored on the MC.

Please note: this tutorial is for people with MODIFIEDsystems e.g. systems with a modchip. the swap disc method will work also.

Tools Needed:
A Ps2(wow)
FilePack Found Here have to right click the text and click save target as)
A way of booting disc up e.g. moddifacation or swap disc.
A blank cd-r (any brand should work)
Psx game
With those lets begin.

First before anything, what you need to do is make a TITLE.DB file. This file tells the ps2 when the Psx game is insereted, instead of booting the game, boot the exploit. to do this, you need your psx disc id number. to obtain this, first insert the psx game into your pc. click notepad and open the file SYSTEM on the drive the psx game is in.(if youu dont see it, then click all files under files of type)you should see something like "BOOT2 = cdrom0:\SCUS_973.57;1" In this case, SCUS_973.67 is the disc id.(yours will be different unless you are using the same game i am). copy only the 937.57.(you will need to remember your SCUS thing) next, open the titleman frontend folder from the rar file and double click titleman fronted.
On the bottom it has SLES_. if yours was SLUS, then change it to SLUS etc. then paste the number you copied earlier. now click create TITLE.DB and then ADD Exec and close it. A popup window will should show up. click yes. if it didnt, go into the directory where titleman fronted app was. if there is a TITLE.DB file then you have created one succesfully. YAH.Dont get too exited though the hard part is right around the corner.

Now here is the complicated part. I will try my best to explain it to you. you know windows executable files are in the .exe format? well Ps2 executable files are the same however, they are refered to as .ELF. what this exploit does is install those .ELF files to help you with your ps2. e.g. there is a hdadvance and hdloader Elf that allows you to have hdadvance running off the memory card. there are also fun apps like Mp3 studio elfs that can run mp3's off an ps2 hdd, or the famous NES Emulator that is capable of many old but good games to be played on the Ps2. Anyway it would be pointless to do the memory card exploit without any elfs. so in this part, i will teach you how to add elfs to the mix.

First, you must get the elf files, duh. i recommend and go to elf library.(you should never go without the formatting elf tool. if you do something terrebly wirong, it can render you mc usless. with this format tool, it can revive "dead mc's". included with the filepack you downloaded earlier, i have Hdadvance and execftps Elf already on the exploit. when you download the elf files you want, save them to the mcexploit.rar/ files directory. Next, you have to add these files to kl.dat. To do that, you must open ntepad and then open KL.Dat from the files folder. you should see something like ths:
NOTE where you see mco:/BADATA-SYSTEM/HDLD_SVR.ELF;HDL DUMB Server, delete this whole line up until you only see R2= so it will look like this


NOTE where you see mco:/BADATA-SYSTEM/HDLD_SVR.ELF;HDL DUMB Server, delete this whole line up until you only see R2= so it will look like this:


I know now you are lost. now its time for some info again. now this is the KL.Dat file. when you boot your ecploit for the first time, a program called keyloader will boot. this is where you can select what elf you want to start. Now you see X= R1= etc? those are buttons on your controller. when keylauncher boots, it will have all of the buttons, and the elf file next to it. e.g. with this setup, when keylauncher boots, i hit square and hdadvance boots. now make sure all your elf files are in the files directory. now this is what you do. the button that you want your elf to load on, go to it and next to the equal sign, put mc0:/BADATA-SYSTEM/YOURELFFILENAME.ELF;What you want key launcher to show next to your button assignment. e.g. if you are doing hdloader.elf, after you type ;, this is what will show up after the button assignment, not the whole mco:/.

Now this is a very big point. mco:/ must be lowercase, BADATA-SYSTEM/YOURELFFILENAME.ELF MUST BE IN CAPITAL LETERS!!!. the rest can be anything.
now this is an example of the end result:


After you are done, click save as in notepad, and click save as any file and make sure you OVERWRITE the old KL.DAT.

Now this is The BIggest POint of the Whole Exploit!!!!!!!!!!!

In the files folder, you should see Keylauncher.ELF. Rename this to BOOT.ELF with CAPITALS REMEMBER!!! This Tells the exploit to Boot key launcher first so you can select what elf to boot.

Now go back to mcexploit.rar and select CDGENPS2.exe. Drag the files from the mcexploit.rar directory to cdgenps2 in the following order. the file order is BIG! Start from this file:
(note any of these files i did not talk about dont worry they are not inportant to you)

SYSTEM.CNF(note this wont have .CNF ON the end so just select SYSTEM

Now you need to Drag the Whole file directory to the mix, BUT before yo can do this, you must have all of these files in the right order inside the files folder:

All of your elf files in any order
SYSTEM.CNF( DIfferent from other one)

NOW INSTALL THE FILES FOLDER. IF IT GOES TO THE TOP, IT IS NORMAL. NOW RIGHT CLICK SYSTEM.CNF AND CLICK EDIT. CLICK FIX LBA AND TYPE 12231. DONT ASK ME WHY AS I DONT NOT WANT TO EXPLAIN. Now click the img button on the left and it will create a disc image. open any burning software you have and burn away!!!

NOw Congradulate yourself, because that was the hardest part. now you can just boot that disc. it will say installing exploit. if you did good, it will say install done!!! Now here is the BIGGEsTTTTTTTTTTT test yet. eject your burnt cd, and insert your psx disc and restart. if done right, your screen will flicker white, and the it will boot keylauncher.( note if you want to play your game, just take the memory card out, the disc will boot regularly, then you can put the memory card back in.

this is the real file pack so so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o and 4 the record i think i might have a way to do this on a unmodified ps2 withoud swap magic!!!!!!!!


this is the real file pack so so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o and 4 the record i think i might have a way to do this on a unmodified ps2 withoud swap magic!!!!!!!!
It is not official, but a friend asked me can he do this on his unmoddified system with hd advance. i tried this method and it worked. YEAHHHH

there are two ways to do this. one is very simple and you do not need advance and is doable, but is highly not recommended since it can casue damage EASILY!!! i do not take for any damages that you do to your ps2 with this method so DONOT COME CRYING TO ME! now that we understand eachother, first, you make the same mc exploit cd that i told you to. now you get the psx game you were going to use as your disc to load the exploit. startup your ps2 without any disc in the drive. go to the browser screen put in an origional psx game. it will read the disc and say psx game. now, do the knife trick to swap psx game with exploit cd. if done right, you have tricked the ps2 into thinking the psx game is still in the drive, so when you put the backup in, move the white tab all the way back to the left. now hit x to start the psx game(or at least thats what the ps2 is thinking. you should see the ps2 load the classic psx logo, and stop immediately and load the exploit. the downfall is when i did this, moving the white tab when the motor running, it will make REALLY bad noises and i actually broke the tab off, so i do not reccomend this although you need no software. this is a really a thinking situation. well for the people who are like whateva how do you do this with hdadvance read on.


Tools needed:
1 blank cd
Knoledge of computers with the balls to open your computer
With those tools and balls lets begin:

First open hd advance and formant your hdd.

now download this disc image

Now open you computer(and dont remember i donot take for any damages,so this is where you need to go buy some balls if you dont have none.)open it and make sure your power supply cord is disconnected. connect hd from ps2 by putting ide and power cables into ps2. they look just like the network adapter ports. its not hard. just make sure you have a brain and dont replace your hard drive that has windows on it. now turn pc back on and everything should just be the same, however, windows will not reconize the hard drive. so you will need a tool called hdl dumb.

now open hdl dumb and it will reconize the drive. make sure you have iso mode under source and click browse and select that hd loader iso.
now install it, put hdd back into ps2. boot hd loader with hd advance. now make exploit cd. put ps2 cd(blue bottom cd in drive and after 15 sec, hd loader will stop the motor, now you can swap discs, go to install, it will think that ps2 disc is in the drive, so you wont even have to wait for it to load. just put in mc exploit as name, install it. now when it is done, LEAVE DISC IN DRIVE!!! RUN IT WITH THE CD IN THE DRIVE AND IT SHOULD GO. THIS IS WHY YOU CANNOT JUST PUT IMAGE ON HDLOADER AND BOOT!!! after put psx game in, boot it and happy exploiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 PS2 2 Broken
4 MODDED 3 Not
1 MOdded Slim line
Hdd in all
Hd loader patch in all exept slimeline
Every Game ever on all Ps2's
NOBOdy Can Touch my arsenal of games

Xbox 6 Modded
1 Smashed(LOL)
ALL 800 gb hdd
One has blu ray burner doesnt woork very well though
Almost everygame ever made

4 Gamecubes
All modded
Suspended due to non-functional email address
7. August 2006 @ 19:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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