Need some help with my SCPH-50004 PAL box and Matrix Infinity chip.
I bought the ps2 used and it had bios 1.38 installed. I tried to update to v 1.39 and now nothing works. Upgrade went fine and when i reset the box it would only play original games. Boot mode is set to auto and i get the matrix menu when pressing circle + triangle button. I tried to hold reset button in 2-3 seconds but it wont let me boot the v1.88 or v1.39 upgrade cd again
It just gives me error to "insert a ps2 disc" or something. Backups that worked with the 1.38 wont work now after flash :/
All that works now are original games.
are you 100% sure it was a REAL Matrix Infinity chip and not a clone chip? flashing a clone chip will fry it and make it useless.
Have you tried flashing it back to the original firmware that it had and see if that works. And are you 100% sure that the flash you downloaded is made for te specific chip that you have.
yeah, go back to the guy that installed it for you and make him fix it or get your money (since he lied unless he didn't lie and he told you it was a clone in which case you fucked up and he shouldn't be held accountable) and if he doesn't comply beat his as (if you can and as long as it wasn't your fault).
I think i know the problem now, its an Matrix Infinity SE wich is in fact a clone, and u cant change settings or flash the firmware to more than 1.40 apperantly.
Ah well, that sucks big balls cause now its fried :(
well, i guess it wasn't really his fault then because 'technically" it is a Matrix Infinity chip. But he should have told you that it was an SE, then you could have researched it.
So how did you find out it was an SE anyway?
Next time get a DMS4 Pro SE, they do not have DMS4 clone chips out there as far as i know.
Well the SE is not made or endorsed by the official Matrix Team, just some yahoos with a similar name. It's a POS clone, and yes you're pretty much screwed. Next time, do a little research and make sure you know what you're getting. Read my modchip FAQ at the top of the forum. I wrote it with things like this in mind, any reputable modder will be able to stand up to intelligent questions. I knew Davbere was legit from the moment I talked to him. He had a simple, honest response to all my questions. A real MI is a great chip. If you're worried about getting clones, get a Crystal Chip or DMS 4 Pro SE, there are no clones of those I'm aware of.
Yeah you should always do your research. Some shady people in Australia try to pass off clones as the real deal - but when challenged they'll tell you they're fakes (and offer you a discount on the advertised price - that is if you want a fake chip)