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Kazaa deletes my avi files when complete!!!!
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12. June 2003 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just installed the newest version of kazaa lite on my comp. It worked fine for two days, but now, whenever an .avi file gets completely downloaded, it disappears. I have no idea what causes this, and have reinstalled kazaa twice now to try and fix it, but nothing works. Can someone please help me out!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
12. June 2003 @ 21:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Kazaa downloads all files to the shared folder.
If a shortcut of the shared folder has been made to the desktop, then open it. If the file is not there then go to program files folder and open the kazaalite folder, you will find the shared folder there also, open it and you should find it there.

If you have tried all that and you still have the problem, then uninstall kazaalite, and do a search of your hard drive looking for kazaa. Remove ANY files related to kazaalite & reinstall.

P.S. If you are familiar with editing the registry, you should also remove ALL registry entries of kazaa\kazaalite before you reinstall.
12. June 2003 @ 23:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't have a problem finding the shared folder, its that its there (shows the size and everything), but the second it gets done downloading, it disappears to god knows where. I search the harddrive for it but nothing comes up. Just wondering if theirs a new virus or something out there that my 2 virus scanners failed to pick up :(
Junior Member
13. June 2003 @ 13:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It may be a virus, Possibly something from the music industry.. But I doubt it.

The following will most likely fix the problem.

Do a complete search of your hard drive looking for "shared folder" open each folder you find. It is possible to have more then one shared folder since you have installed a differant version of kazaa.

It is possible that your current installation of kazaa is forwarding the files to your previous shared folder. If that is so, and the previous folder has been deleted windows then the file will just disapear becasue it has nowhere to go.
This would happen becasue the registry entry from your previous install of kazaa is telling the download where to go, and the folder is not there.

The only way you can fix this is to;
1).Un install Kazaalite.
2). Search your hard drive, and remove ALL kazaa related folders.
3).Open the resistry editor, and remove ALL kazaa/kazaalite entries.
4). Reinstall Kazaalite (i recommend k++) then download a small file and see what happens.

Hope this works,

Staff Member
13. June 2003 @ 20:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you are talking about k++, it puts all the downloads inside c:\my shared folder instead of in the kazaa folder just for the record!

Did you try searching your hard drive for the files?
Junior Member
14. June 2003 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
True, there are two versions of k++. The first version puts the shared folder in "program files\kazaalite. The newest version 2.0.3 build 3 puts the shared folder directly on the C drive.
Doing a complete search of the hard drive is the most efficient way to see if the previous install of kazaa is where the downloads are disappearing to.
Cleaning the registry is the only way to correct the problem.
Senior Member
19. June 2003 @ 17:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
u might of changed the download location
check this by going to options, traffic

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