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The discs are not always the problem....
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13. June 2003 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I always thought that if a disc wasn't compatible or didn't play back well on a stand alone player it was the discs which were at fault and not much else. Well apparently discs burnt with Nero up until now were always less compatible on playback and this is a well known issue (apparently). However it is said that Nero have now corrected this problem with their latest upgrade. So far it seems correct. I have been using Princo 4x discs and recording at 2x on a Pioneer 104. These may not be the best discs you can buy but they have always played fine on my Accoustic Solutions player but not on two Panasonic, a Phillips and a Nico player. After upgrading to Nero latest suddenly playback occurs on all of them! I have only tested this after ripping the files with the new DVD Shrink (2.2) which is excellent by the way, though I don't suppose it would make any difference if I'd have used DVDXCopy or Xpress since Nero burns the discs? It is true of course that some discs are crap but this is ussually discovered at the point of burning/ non-burning and not at playback? Does any of this make any sense?
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2003 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with you to a certain extent. However, i believe your new found favour with the compatibility issues you had, may have something to do with the DVD Shrink New Version. With compression, the vob's change slightly. This coupled with certain discs can cause incompatiblity issues.

I believe too that it is a combination of three factors which lead to compatibilty issues.

1. The DVD-R itself - the most likely issue causer
2. The Compression Software used - Differs from original
3. The Burning program used - Some are less compatible (Nero Version and higher is ok

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. June 2003 @ 17:59

Senior Member

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14. June 2003 @ 09:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree generally with your comments but I think the issue of Nero burning compatibility has been largely overlooked in these threads though obviously it should be less of an issue now. As far as checking on the quality of discs are concerned I have found a tool which will test the DVDSpeed of the discs after burning and this will determine the quality of the disc in question. This is a useful tool if you are trying to dtermine the best media to buy in future. Of course you need to be able to find out the disc manufacturer branded on the disc but there are various tools for this. Ironically the DVD speed test is done by Nero software obtainable from here - and it's freeware. On the graph which is drawn during the test ( a green and yellow line widening during the read) both lines should end up as smoothe as possible. The more they become distorted the worse the disc quality. There is a tendancy for the lines to show more distortion at the end which corresponds to the outer disc as this is where most read errors can occur. If both lines fail to reach the red vertical line at the end then forget 'em. I have done the test on three different media types (Princo 4x, Ritek G03 and Prodisc) and the best are clearly the Ritek with smoothe lines. The worst incidentally were the Princo 4x although they were in the range of acceptibility but I intend doing more tests on different discs in future. Will let you know the results if anyone is interested.
AfterDawn Addict
14. June 2003 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I've been using Nero CD Speed and found it extremely useful as it shows you the writing speed along with the disc rpm. Howevr, even with two straight lines and a slight wavering at the end, a working disc can still be produced.

Post your results anyway. We need the Moderators to provide somewhere to list graphics on the results of the CD Speed as this is the only way to fully show it.

Moderators....Is this ppossible?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. June 2003 @ 09:18

Senior Member

2 product reviews
14. June 2003 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I will do a test of some media but it may take me a few eeks to get the results. > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > the discs are not always the problem....

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