I've looked around for a post similiar to mine, but no luck. =/
I've recently picked up Swap Magic 3.8 for a friend of mine from a website called www.swapnslide.com. Although I specifically ordered 3.6, I was sent 3.8 instead.
My friend's PS2 is a slimline SCPH-70012. The Swap Magic CD loads just fine, as do regular games, but the Swap Magic DVD doesn't load properly. His PS2 does recognize it as a PS2 disc, but it doesn't actually boot the disc. It attempts to load, then it goes back to the browser. It loads just fine in mine (my PS2 is a modded PAL version SCPH-70004).
I've e-mailed www.swapnslide.com multiple times without a response, and the only response I got from www.swapmagic3.com was to unplug the system for a few minutes, then try again (which we had already done multiple times beforehand).
Is there any steps I can take (I've tried loading store-bought copies of games and they load fine) in order to get this disc to work? Or perhaps exchanging it for (what I hear) the more reliable 3.6?
it isn't the 3.6 its the ps2 because i've just recently bought 3.6 for my cousin. some games work but other games doesn't. even knowingthis i still don't have a clue as to how to fix the problem. so if any good news, i'm all ears.
well, i kno this is a super old post. and im sure u all solved ur problems by now. but i had the same problem with my 70012. i just had to keep it turned off for about 10 to 15 mins (or until its not warm anymore) then put swap magic in. then it worked. its probably the laser cuz the 70012 has/had problems with them.
I've recently been having the same problem. I've been using Swap Magic (3.8) for a couple months now without any problems. However, lately my PS2 is having trouble reading the Swap Magic DVD disc correctly.
I'm having the same problem as Ghostpilo. It will recognize it as a PS2 disc, but it keeps going back to the browser. The last couple weeks I would just reset and keep trying and eventually it would load, but the last couple days its taking a very long time and I can't always get it to work.
I agree that it's probably not good for the laser considering its not a real PS2 game, but does anyone know of a reliable way fo fixing this problem? Thanks.
The majority of people used v3.60, and v2, not many problems were reported regarding crappy swap magic copies, its only with 3.8 that this started, even yet, people prefer to buy 3.6. I used swap magic 3.6 until i installed a chip into my system, once the laser gets weak due to poor quality disk you need to replace it, it could be your games were not good causing to much stress on the laser, what media have you been using?
"1.Unplug all wires atached to the ps2 system
2.Turn your PS2 upside down.
3.Remove all screw covers on the bottom of your PS2.
4.Remove all 8 or 10 screws with a phillips screw driver(remember where the long and small screws belong,mark them somehow if that helps to remember where they belong)
5.remove the top cover of the PS2.
6.Now you will see the ps2 drive(black with a white circle in the middle)now remove the lens cover plate(it is black and has a total of 6 screws).
7.Turn On Your PS2.
8.Eject The PS2 Tray And Turn Off Your PS2.
9.Now You Should be able to see the lens and everything around it.
10.look for a little white round dial that may be partially covered.
11.after you have located this dial Mark where it is set at with a marker or pencil.
12. Now keep turn the dial counter clockwise until it the Ps2 lens drops(you will see the black lens module go down).Now turn on your ps2 and insert the ps2 game that used to say "Disc Read Error",does the game load? if it does then you are done. If it does not load then you need to turn the dial some more.keep turning the little dial and checking if the cd reads. it may take a while to find the spot on the dial so that it can read properly, but it is worth the time since it saves you money on buying a new PS2 Lens. "
I just took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly and turned the dial. I don't know if it was one or the other or a combination of the two, but my Swap Disc works fine now. I suggest that anyone that has my problem to do this method. It worked for me. If the dial turning doesn't work the first time, revert it to where it was to begin with. That's what I had to do, and like I said, it works fine now. Good Luck.