Firstly, does your drive support overburning. If it does, follow these steps, bearing in mind that you need a 90min or 99min CD to do this.
Here is a bit of info from a company i use:
HOW CAN IT BE DONE? How is this made possible?
By making the data spiral of a finer pitch - in other words moving consecutive spiral tracks closer together, and secondly by utilising overburn mode in conjunction with DAO (Disc at once) mode - a process that allows discs to burn more data than their nominal capacity.
ANY POTENTIAL PROBLEMS? Hardware problems writing to the disc -
These discs take existing CD writing technology to the max - margin for error has been reduced to almost nothing, so they can be more difficult to write than, say 74 minute discs. You may not be able to use your writer's full write speed - in fact in most cases, we recommend a slower write speed.
Software problems writing to the disc -
The only software solution we recommend is Nero Burning Rom. It is the only software used for our tests.
What about playback? - Playback on older readers may be slower, or not possible at all. Modern high quality readers will work fine, though.
What if my drive doesn't work?
There are a number of things to check:
· Make double sure you have a compatible drive
· Make sure you have the latest firmware
· Make sure you have compatible software
· Make sure you have selected "overburn" mode in the options
· Make sure you are using DAO (Disc-at-once) mode
· Make sure you have set the maximum capacity of the disc to the highest setting
· Make sure you have selected "No multisession"
· If burning audio, make sure you have selected "Audio CD" format. Selecting "Data" format and burning WAV files may not work
· Try writing at different speeds - some drives will only work on a particular speed. Slower is not necessarily better - some writers will write at 8x, but not at 4x, and not at 12x.
Compatible Software
Any software can burn 74 minutes, most can burn 80 minutes. The following packages can take these discs to the maximum capacity of your writer (latest releases at all times)
CDRWIN from Golden Hawk
DiscJuggler from Padus
CDrecord from Jörg Schilling
Nero Version 5
Now here is how you do the overburn in Nero 5 Overburning a CD
First check whether your recorder can overburn or not. From the Recorder menu, choose the item Choose Recorder and select your recorder from the list. You will find information about whether the recorder supports overburning in the recorder information box.
Activate the overburn option within Nero. From the File menu, choose Preferences and then click on the Expert features tab.
Activate the checkbox which allows overburning and specify the maximum CD length. In theory you can choose any size up to 99 minutes and 59 seconds. Initially you should enter a length 2 minutes longer than the specified capacity. If SCSI/ATAPI errors occur at the end of the simulation or burning process, we recommend that you reduce the maximum overburn capacity or use a different make of CD. If no errors occur, you can gradually increase the overburn capacity.
Click on OK to confirm the change and close the dialog box.
This setting will have the following effect on the burning process:
If the amount of data to be burnt is larger than the normal capacity of the blank CD, but less than the maximum overburn capacity, Nero will ask at the beginning of the burning process whether you really want to overburn. If you answer yes to this question, Nero will start the burning process. If you answer no, the burning process will be aborted because there is not enough space on the destination CD.
Thank you, I had forgot the disc-at-once option. It worked alright. The only thing is that I can only read the cd with the cd recorder and not with the dvd but it is okay.