How to Join and Burn .ts files
2. September 2006 @ 22:08 |
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I have an HDTV movie that is in a number of parts. All parts have .ts extensions. How do I join this file, and burn to DVD? Sorry if the questions has already been answered. I did an extensive search but did not find an answer. Thanks.
Senior Member
2. September 2006 @ 23:43 |
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Your search should have brought up DVD2OneX. It does have a join feature.
3. September 2006 @ 11:22 |
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I tried the trial version of DVD2OneX and do not see a feature for joining .ts files. I tried all the features in the program, and just get errors. BTW - I am sure my .ts file is good. FYI - they are in the format file0001.ts, file0002.ts, file0003.ts, etc.
14. September 2006 @ 00:03 |
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The join feature does'nt want to work for me either.Will only copy whichever chapter you choose(only lets you highlight one).Any ideas?
Junior Member
22. September 2006 @ 00:53 |
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Have you read and tried How to Join several files using DVD2One, this forum, about 14th September, and written by me. What's happening if what I've written isn't working for you?
Junior Member
22. September 2006 @ 00:57 |
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It's 18th September
26. September 2006 @ 09:19 |
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Hey terryxpre - I could not find the other article you reference. Can you link it? FYI - when I tried to use DVD2OneX, I did not see anything that would allow joining of .ts files, or decoding of them. The errors are basically that the files are not recognized.
Junior Member
27. September 2006 @ 00:33 |
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goto the Search query box and type in DVD2OneX - you should be opened to Video Discussion for Mac Users.
Go down to 14th September and there it is (but I didn't know how to put in the picture I refer to. I can't private you or you me to send me your email so I could send the picture by email.
Note that DVD2One only works with ViDEO_TS files !! The picture I refer to as being on the right lists the different segments eg episode one, episode two, a bonus feature etc.
Are you saying, not that you want to pick out certain episodes, or combine a segment from one disc with another from another disc, and burn on the same disc, but...that you want take say take VOB. 1 and combine with VOB.6, what ever gb of data happens to be in each of those VOBs????
If the latter, the best DVD2One will do - at the bottom of the left hand window list, it says Cells. Click on that and right hand window changes and shows you how many layers are on the disc. At the bottom of that right hand window, in the middle, click on Layers and it changes to Chapters and Cells. You can pick (by Un-selecting) which you want, but God knows what it what when you get to the Cells level. (The chapters are the segments of a movie you jump to and from when you press Skip, and shown in Scene Selection in the Menu when you open a commercial DVD.)
What disc(s) are you ripping and what do you actually want in the finished disc in plain English - don't talk in 'joining VOBS" but what is supposed to be in these VOBs you are joining?
Anyway, reach the guide and lets see where we're up to.
27. September 2006 @ 07:20 |
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Hi Terry - thanks for the responses. I think you have misunderstood my question. I have a number of SPLIT files. The files are split into segments file0001.ts, file0002.ts, etc. My first question is how to join (concat.) the files into a single file.ts. Then, once I have a single .ts file, how do I view the file, or burn it? I have tried Split & Concat, and Stuffit to join the files - no luck.
Junior Member
29. September 2006 @ 06:50 |
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A whole new area to me. I checked out that software and one thing I noted was
Please note that the files to be concat MUST have TWO FILE EXTENSIONS, one extension indicating the type of the file (like .mp3) and the other extension indicating the part number (like .001 or .0aa). E.g. filename.mp3.001 The program will warn you and quit if the name of the file doesn't meet this condition.
Apart from that, hopefully someone else can help.
Junior Member
29. September 2006 @ 22:32 |
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In working on my own project, I've come across MPEGStreamclip (free) which joins TS VOB files (and .ts files) together. Check it out. I'm using it to join VOBs, convert to AVI, then burn this AVI file encoded into NTSC with TOAST 7.
There is quite a list of possible conversions, and it fixes up the time-breaks (when you have two separate VOBS making up one program (in your case, several .ts files). You could pick out the best conversion for you, ready for burning. Let me know if it helps.
4. December 2006 @ 23:56 |
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As far as playback, VLC should have you covered. It supports video_ts folders and files (and just about every other format in the world)
22. February 2007 @ 04:06 |
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Quote: I have an HDTV movie that is in a number of parts. All parts have .ts extensions. How do I join this file, and burn to DVD? Sorry if the questions has already been answered. I did an extensive search but did not find an answer. Thanks.
I had the same question and did my own searching, and the search results let to this and similar threads which really didn't seem to have what I was looking for. I kept searching and finally found what I needed. It is a freeware application called TSsplitter which I downloaded from this url:
I am posting the answer here in the hope that someone doing future searches like I did will find the answer in this thread, as I know this thread is a little dated by now so it may not help the original poster. I hope this helps someone.
22. February 2007 @ 04:14 |
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To burn the file to DVD, here is what I did. I used TSsplitter to join all the parts into one huge file. Then I split the huge file again using TSsplitter into DVD-sized pieces, which are some of the default options for sizes, then burned those files DVD-UDF format with any burning application such as Nero. The resulting DVDs will only play in a PC (I use VLC as the other poster recommended) which is fine with me, as I don't even have a DVD player separate from my PC.
28. June 2007 @ 10:37 |
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I know this discussion stopped months ago, but I stumbled across it and found a solution that worked well for me.
VisualHub can batch convert split .ts files into a DVD ready for burning. It separates each file into a chapter on the DVD. For me, the disc worked on a regular DVD player.
You can also customize the files you concatenate as well as their order (e.g. you can choose which files you want on each of two DVD5 discs to split a DVD9 original).
Junior Member
21. August 2007 @ 04:45 |
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Another program I've found - Freeware - is D-Vision , for joining vobs or avi files, or breaking a vob (usual sized, or large after combining all vobs) into two chunks. These utilities are found by clicking on the Tools tab. Again, it's FREE
Junior Member
21. August 2007 @ 20:35 |
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Note to late comers to this thread. This is a Mac software forum and Nero and TSsplitter are Windows software.