I am having problems with my PC the browser is running slow,i have tried Firefox,Opera and IE all are the same,plus when im downloading they get to a certain % and then stop.Below is my HijackThis log.
Any advice is welcomed
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 20:19:38, on 06/09/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
It may be a good idea to print this out, I find it easier to work from a "hard copy".
First, I'd like you to run ATF Cleaner:
Please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune from here. Double-click ATF-Cleaner.exe to run the program.
Under Main choose: Select All Click the Empty Selected button.
Remove all temp files etc, and procede to this next step :-)
- Download the Ewido anti-spyware setup program from this link
- Run the program to start installation of Ewido, accept the EULA and the default options
- Once Ewido has been installed and is running, open the Ewido window and under Your Computer's Security select Update Now, then select Start Update - Ewido will now update it's definition files
- If for any reason Ewido cannot update, download the Full Database from here: http://www.ewido.net/en/download/updates/, execute the update file and this will complete the update
- Next, under Your Computer's Security select Scan Now, and then choose the Settings tab.
----- Under How to act? select Quarantine ----- Under How to scan? and Possibly unwanted software make sure all boxes are ticked
----- Under Reports select Automatically generate report after every scan and make sure Only if threats are found is unchecked
----- Under What to scan? select Scan every file - Close Ewido
Save the log from Ewido Anti spyware, post it here.
1. Once up click on "Scan now. It's Free"
2. Read the Term & Use and check "Yes, I accept the Terms of Use" and then click on "Launching HouseCall"
3. Quick Select: "Scan complete computer for Malware, grayware and vulnerabilities" click "Next"
4. Let Housecall go through ALL three "Steps". It can take upto 30 minutes or more to scan.
5. Please do not use your computer whilst the scan is in progress.
6. Once the scan is done select "clean all detected infections automatically"
7. For detected HTTP cookies, select "Remove all deteccted cookies". And click "Clean Now"
8. Then a message will come up; click "OK" and let it delete the selected infections.
9. During the clean up. Note any infected files down into a .txt file in Notepad. Ready to post in your next reply.
10. When asked to perforn a full scan again click "No". And restart your computer.