For backing up cd protection= No m8. It is recommended to use high quality scratch resistant brand cd-r's. I've had great success using Verbatim, Kodak Gold, TDK.
If you wan't to make working backups of Safedisc 2.x then grab a Litey LTR 52\32\52 or the Litey LTR 52\24\52 burners m8.
Asus K8N nVidia nForce3 Pro 250 GB, Athlon 64 3200+, Hitachi 80 gig SATA 150, Corsair XMS 1 gig PC4000, ATI Radeon Saphire 9600 Pro (256 DDR), Windows XP Pro (64 Bit),Lite-ON SOHD 167T,, Plextor PX-712SA,BenQ 1640.
Yeah, actually Ive been looking at the LiteOn LTR 52246S..
Are they good ?
Ive seen some reviews and the music-burning on it seems pretty good too.
Apart from LiteOn are there other good burners?
Many of them is so much more expensive,like Plextor, is it really worth the diiference in price ?