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Pls help!!best software to capture in avi or in the smallest video size possible
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28. September 2006 @ 08:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can sonembody tell me pls what the bedt software t capture video in the smallest size possible with a good quality video i tried mpg VCD wit intervideo windvr but it takes a lot of space
what's the best format to capture with for the smallest size possible and with a good picture ?

and with codec should i use?is there a software to capture in rmvb?

also i have to capture cards and i want to capture with the two devices at the same time i plug one card to line in and the other to the microphone input for the sound but when capturing the video get captured correctly in bot devices but i get the same sound in both captured videos how to solve this problem pls help thankssssssssssssssssss
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28. September 2006 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can somebody help me plssssssss thanksssss very important thxxxxxxxx
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29. September 2006 @ 04:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can smebody anwwer me pls really need some help
29. September 2006 @ 12:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AVI isn't actually a video format but a container. You can capture in many different AVI modes. If you have a fast enough computer you could try capturing your video into DivX or XviD. You can also capture into uncompressed AVI (huge file size) and then re-encode it into DivX or XviD later, shrinking the file size.
I am not sure why you would want to capture from 2 different capture devices at once. If you use a USB capture device then I am sure it could be done but you would need a very very good computer I would think. Capturing from one device is CPU intensive as it is.
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30. September 2006 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Pinnacle 10.5 loves AVI. and you can do voice over the video

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30. September 2006 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks guuys for answering me but you ddidn't tell me what software to use to capture in AVI or what sofwatre do i need to capture in the video in the msallest size possible pls help thanks
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30. September 2006 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and i wanna ask you also pls is XviD XVID-MPEG-4 or anoyher XviD thanks
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30. September 2006 @ 14:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you must convert it to a different file format after you save it to you hard drive if comes in on you card as AVI save then convert it

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30. September 2006 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why can't you capture it directly in AVI compressed ?
and for the quesion do you mean by XviD mpeg4xvid or there is another XviD?
and what options should i check in XviD settings to have the best compression thanks
and sorry for my questions im new to these things thanks
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30. September 2006 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I only know AVI and you must capture it and compress it after its on your HD as you can see no one elese is got much to say

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1. October 2006 @ 04:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
but when compressing to XviD what options should check or change in the XviD codec settings to have the nest quality possible

and still nobody told me a good sofwtre for caturing what a good sod*ftware for capture

and how to capture with 2 devices at the same time without having that sound problem pls help ? destra where are you thanks guysssssssssssssssss
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1. October 2006 @ 05:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As I posted befor Pinnacle 10.5 with a Pinnacle capture card or Dazzle Breakout Box this is what I use for tv capture, home movies and VCR tapes sorry I don't know anything about XviD

2. October 2006 @ 19:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
XviD is MPEG4 and can be captured directly from your capture card. I am using an ATI AIW capture card and I can capture directly to XviD if I wanted to. I never have because my computer isn't good enough to handle the over head of compressing the video stream and capturing it at the same time (I get way too many dropped frames). I can also capture in XviD using VirtualDub. Capturing in XviD I think depends on the capture software and if you have the proper codecs installed on your computer. I don't think your capture card makes a difference because it is just a raw video stream compressed. As I stated before AVI is just a video container and not a video format (that's why there is AVI DivX and XviD uncompressed raw video stream and Intel Indeo and many others). Also I think the reason that you are getting 1 audio is because you can only plug in one of the video capture devices into the line-in on your sound card, thus you can only capture one audio stream at a time.
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3. October 2006 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can use virtual dub to capture the AVI stream. Personally, I use a program called Scenalyzer because it has a lot of features virtual dub does not. You can also use Nero.
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4. October 2006 @ 07:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks guys for all you answers but i have a problem when i try to convert the aptured video tho AVI XviD i have a problem with the sound it's always a bit out of sync what's the best audio codec to use with XviD i tried mp3 zjmedia mp3encoder zjmedia mp2encoder AC3 acmcodec windows mediaaudio v2 gsm 6.10 they are all more or less out of sunc after converting pls helpppppppppppppppp

and for destra you told me that you can capture from 2 devices at the same time but normally if i plug the sound one in line in and one in microphone normally it should work the problem while im recording from one device and i press the record button in the second recording software i always get the sound of the second recording in both captured videos either it is plugged in microphone or line in what do you think it's the problem ? can somebody help me pls thanks
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4. October 2006 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
helloooooooo where are you guys ?
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4. October 2006 @ 09:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Doc409 i tired Scenalyzer but it gives me an error wen i choose the caturing device
error the capture device doesn't seem to be a dv device Scenalyzer can only work with dv devices what's the problem thanks
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4. October 2006 @ 15:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
milamilou...I am puzzled. What is the source of the video you want to capture? That is, is it from a TV, a VCR (VHS), etc.? And, is it PAL format?

If I know this, I can be more specific about how to get to the initial AVI stream that you can work with.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. October 2006 @ 15:41

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4. October 2006 @ 16:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes it's from tv it doesn't work with tv or what and could you help me with the XviD audio problem wen converting thanksssssssssssss
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4. October 2006 @ 16:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
OK. I will tell you what I would do. FIRST, I would make certain that I got a good AVI capture from the TV. This means no dropped frames. Are you able to do this, and do you have enough hard disk space? It might require up to 4 MB's per second. Once you get a good capture, I can help you more.
Let me know. You didn't tell me what format...PAL or NTSC?

Also, I presumed that your video cards captured in AVI. Can you capture in MPEG format?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. October 2006 @ 16:59

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4. October 2006 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes it captures in AVI and it's PAL and i can captture in mpg and have enough hard disk space
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4. October 2006 @ 21:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good. You are able to go the AVI or MPEG route.

I will take you through the AVI process first. You will likely have RCA composite (Red, White, and Yellow) connectors on your TV and the capture card...connected by a composite cable. If this is not the case, advise what you have.

See if VirtualDub will open and connect to your AVI capture card and record a stream. To do this, have the TV signal going to the card, and open VDub. Under File you will see Capture AVI. This will open a box. You will be able to tell it what folder to capture to, etc. If you have any problems with this part of the capture, let me know.

Capture about 5 minutes. Then see if the AVI file will play in your Windows Media Player. Let me know what happens.
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5. October 2006 @ 07:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes i can capture with virtual dub it plays ok but the problem i always have to input a file name for the AVI before recording can it automaticly generate file names
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5. October 2006 @ 07:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and how to make it work with Scenalyzer thankssssssssss
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5. October 2006 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
also i have a little problem when capturing and i wanna play a game or something i get error AVI decompressor could not be loaded and i have to close the game to continue capturing how can playa game while capturing thank you
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