Burning gamecube backup with alchol 120%
29. September 2006 @ 15:01 |
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I really need some help backing up a gamecube game. I have a mod chip in my gamecube and everything but the only probgram that will work with my computer is alchol 120% but when i try burning a gamecube game with it it comes up with a message that an unsupported image is being used so i have to type in the track format, block size(bytes, image header size,image trailer size can someone help me figure out the info i need to burn the game with the program and i cant use other programs like Nero.
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29. September 2006 @ 18:46 |
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Don't bother with Alcohol 120%. GameCube images are one of the few things you shouldn't burn with it.
Use ImgBrn instead. It's free and easy to use.
30. September 2006 @ 20:48 |
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My problem is no other programs besides alchol %120 works for me i've tried over 10 different programs for both gamecube and xbox and i could only get one copy to work and that was the xbox alchol 120 copy if anyone has an idea how to get it working please tell me
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30. September 2006 @ 21:36 |
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Are you having problems getting the program itself to work, or the results?
I doubt the reason you can't get them to work is the program itself, but rather the media and speed you're using.
Seriously, don't bother with Alcohol for GameCube games. The GameCube is a hell of a lot more picky than the Xbox, and even if you had burn that worked on Xbox, the same can't be said for the GameCube.
Post what media, burn speed, and burner you use, and I'll help you out from there.
1. October 2006 @ 05:42 |
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I just tried another disk but tried imgburn and it didn't work for me i'm using ridata at 4x and my burner [1:1:0] DVDRW IDE 16x (E:) and my computer says the manufacturer is (Standard CD-ROM drives).
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1. October 2006 @ 08:20 |
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It might be that burner then. RiDATA should work just fine with both Xbox and GameCube regardless of what burning app is used.
It's going to say standard for the manufacturer. The actual name of the drive is on the list of devices that comes up in the properties menu for that DVD burner. For example, my DVD burner is a LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-1633S. That's how it's name is listed in the device list. However, on the manufacturer it still says "Standard CD-ROM."
Since you're using good media and a good burn speed, I'm thinking it's something related to your burner. Have you ever updated the firmware on it? It's always a good idea to keep the firmware up to date. Also, make sure the lens is nice and clean to ensure maximum performance of your burner.
5. October 2006 @ 19:02 |
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I havent updated the firmware on the drive since i bought it back in 2004. how do i do it?
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6. October 2006 @ 14:12 |
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There are a few ways to go about it.
One way is to go to the manufacturer's website and download it from there. Then just launch the flasher application and let it do it's job.
Or, if you still have ImgBurn installed, you can just open that and have it look up the firmware for you by selecting Tools->Drive->Check for firmware update. Take note of the firmware that it says your drive currently has. It'll connect you to rpc1.org and automatically look up the drive for you using the website's search engine. Pick the top choice and it'll list out the firmware versions available. If there's a firmware available that's newer than what you're currently using, download it and open it up so you flash your drive's firmware.
Nero might have a way of checking it as well, and I recall various VSO applications having a similar feature.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. October 2006 @ 14:13