Discmania - I fail to see how you came to your results? There is no evidence to support what you state. The whole idea of testing is to produce evidence of that test so that we, the general buyers, can ascertain the weaknesses and strengths of the particular discs and make our decision. Im not saying that i disagree with your results in any way, but someone just saying that a disc gets a rating of 9 is ludicrous.
Firstly, specific discs are tailored to specific needs, this disc did not perform exceptionally well, though it was still a good disc. However, i tested the disc on a wide range of players and it performed well on some and not so well on others. How you can give it a single grading across the whole spectrum, quite frankly, has me baffled. ;-)
Rotary Hi, I am in the UK. Just want to point out that the words best and cheapest don't tend to go together too well in the same sentence. However, there is one disc i will always recommend for quality and performance. That is the Ritek G04. I have been happy using unbranded Ritek's for a while now, however, after testing some Clone Disc Ritek G04's, i have noticed a difference in the quality. These discs are possibly the best ones i have tested to date. They may cost u slightly, and i mean just slightly, more than the Bigpockets unbranded Riteks, but these Grade A Clone Discs from http;//www.dvd-and-media.com have got my vote now. Hope i've been a help.
PS2WizHey, I have had great results with the Verbatim DVD-R and the TDk dye is the same that was in the older Datawrite greys which weren't bad. I have heard of a few problems with DVD+R Verbatim, but as of yet i think that the MCC 01..RG2 dye on the Verbatim 4x have been doing well. If you haven't tried Ritek, you should think about giving them a try!