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Conclusion to: Help The RIAA and my ISP are Afer me Too
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5. July 2003 @ 12:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HI, I haven't been around for a while but I just wanted to let everyone who was following my previous post know what happened. Three weeks after I was given a warning letter by my ISP I started downloading stuff again. This time, I used emule, peer guardian, and updated the blocked ip list daily. Somehow within a week, they found me and shut off my service. No second notice, just account termination as promised. Rot and Die Prolog (PenTeleData).
I only took a chance because I will be moving into an area with my choice of ISPs soon. (What's your ISP?)I must admit I was suprised how effecient they were in catching me after all the precautions
I took. Does anyone know of anyone else's account being shut off? I mean I only had about 20 movies on my pc. I wasn't a major playa
Staff Member
5. July 2003 @ 23:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They caught you simply because they saw all the traffic coming from your connection, simply that and nothing else!
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6. July 2003 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
See this is why I am sceered to share....I only have 1 ISP where I live(yeagh Im in the BFE of all BFE's) so they shut me down and I have no more broad band.

1st off let me say that I am overwhelmed by the amount of info and the quality of info here and this site ROCKS!
2nd I am fairly new to all this again(havent been big in it since Napster) I love to share but recently I am a bit paranoid of all the "there watching you" and there gonna sew you and fry your computer" talk. Ive read countless forums surfed numerous sites and have learned allot in the short amount of time.I have read about firewalls, Peerguardian and have tried many of the p2p programs recently switching from Kazaa lite K++ to DC++.251 thanX to all the info on this site.
I have tried to read every newbie/howto guide I can find and basically I still have these questions.....1. how can I stop/prevent my ISP from blocking my service other than just doing whatever they tell me to do 2.what steps can I take other than Peergurdian to increase my security against or friends that would like to put us all in dept and court cause we are sharing our information/files?

sorry so long and I am not scared to read a how-to or search for it as I have said I have tried....possibly could just be looking in the wrong places I dont know.
thanX for any help in advance!
6. July 2003 @ 21:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have been using IRC for 9 years now and had cable in the house i currently live in for 2 1/2 years. I suck up MAJOR bandwidth 24/7 (i'm one of 2 people on my entire node) and i have never had anything at all said about it. but then again, thats why i refuse to use p2p's, too many horror stories about people getting screwed by thier ISP. on IRC all you really need to worry about is each other :) - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
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7. July 2003 @ 14:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Darth they will go to IRC too man, so like it or not you are part of this war! tehehe, they will most likely just threaten and threaten and threaten netowrks until they finall y have to start banning for trading channels etc etc.. it will suck!
7. July 2003 @ 16:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
they are already all over IRC, but we dont get the atention that p2p's do. so i dont think they will be as active in the pursuit just yet. they want to get into stuff that the public knows more about so to scare off people from using it. but yeah, it's only a matter of time. - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
Staff Member
8. July 2003 @ 01:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ye and its funny you say that because they are one of the biggest promoters of p2p! > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - p2p software > conclusion to: help the riaa and my isp are afer me too

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