I know this subject has been here before but I'm still having problems...since rebuilding my computer I haven't been able to burn anything. I have a Buslink CD-R/RW running Nero that is set as the master with a slave zip drive. As a cd drive, it works fine. It just doesn't like to burn. I've tried upgrading to the latest Nero and still no luck. The error message that always comes up is "cannot perform end track...burn process failed". Any ideas???
Does InfoTools correctly detect your drive? ASPI? What OS are you running? Does the problem go away if you burn slower? Is it only data cds that give you problems?
I'm running Windows 2000, do not seem to have a problem detecting the drive and it doesn't want to burn anything: data, music, multi-session, or slower. It always starts, gets half-way and then stops with the error.
1.Does InfoTools detect the drive properly?
2. BusLink... is that USB? Perhaps the drive is not providing data fast enough?
3. Try just burning a small little crap file (i.e. a 1KB text file.... does that work? If it dont then ur burner may be a goner)
Quote:"cannot perform end track...burn process failed".
Quote:gets half-way and then stops with the error.
Interesting... always thought endtrack errors occured at the end hehe
Okay...a follow-up here. I really never used infotools, but just found it and yes, it detects the drive. The DMA is off for my zip drive, ON for the CD-R, there is no ASPI installed. Unfortunately, if I want to burn anything at this point I need to unplug the zip drive. Any ideas?
1. Why is DMA disabled?
2. There should be an ASPI layer installed.... I would give you the link to get it but i dont happen to know it off the top of my head
3. Im just guessing here but could it be that the ZIP drive, (with or without its DMA) is bottlenecking the CDRdrive soo much that you get those errors?
4. Is the ZIP drive USB? If so, is the the burner USB?
Okay, I don't really know a whole lot about this stuff...Not sure why the DMA is disabled - I don't know much about DMA, but happened to note it was disabled and thought it might make a difference. Both drives are connected together with an IDE cable, so I don't think they're USB. I noticed the zip doesn't have a jumper on it, and the cd is set at master (with a jumper). Could there be a conflict there?
Firstly try enabling the "DMA If Possible" option for your Zip drive. Secondly, to find out if there is a conflict: can you see/use your burner and the zip drive at the same time? Or do you just see one or the other? If that is the case, manually set the jumper for the ZIP drive to slave and your problem might go away. ANother thing you can try is to place the ZIp drive on a different IDE channel (if you have the room).
Another possibility is that ur burner may be toasted or on its death throes. Does it work without complications on a different computer?