I have tried to rip the Royale Family - Series 1, Region 2 PAL. When using DVDdec or Smartripper both programs encounter a decrytion problem at VOB_3_2 and cannot decrypt, therefore they won't run in DVD2One or CloneDVD. Smartripper reports "no encrytion" after trying all methods to generate a key, DVDdec just fails at the same point. Any Ideas? Could the fact that my DVD reader is not region free be causing a problem (I am Stateside, Region 1). I have all this series and also Only Fools & Horses and would really like to convert them all to region 1 backups.
I don't know anything about the Royale Family, but it does seem like it's an episodal. I tried to make copy of "Yes, Minister" (Region 2, PAL, but I live comfortably in Region 1, NTSC), I experienced similar problems. I simply re-authored the disk in DVDShrink and put the 6 episodes in two DVDs. When I re-authored another episodal "Porridge," I got the first episode to play 6 times on the disk. Sometimes, DVDShrink produces two copies of the same chaper, but numbers them consequtively. So, the trick is to manually re-author the source and click on each chapter and view the contents. Hope this helps. Thanks.
I'm not doing a real good job of finding a the correct thread----for some strange reason FARSCAPE puts episode 1&7 on a disk, 2&6 ------
how can i put at least eps 1&2 on same disk. (preferably with freeware) I don't care how lousy the menu looks on my standalone player, even if i have to create it on pinn8. I would like to play episodes in order without all the disk swapping. If we can get past this "minor" problem i can probably "shrink" it to 3 eps per disk.
A lot of useful info on this forum---but i could use some pointing to a thread or forum that can help relocate episodes