I returned a V12 PS2 to exchange for a V14, as I heard the many problems about lasers dying in V12s, but how the lasers in V14 would not have the same problem.
However, I noticed that sometimes, my PS2 takes some time to load my swap magic disc when it boots up. In the past, on my V12, it would maybe take 5 seconds. Now, it could range anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds.
Also, occasionally, my backups will just freeze. This never happened on my V12 PS2. It happened once on a certain game, and has happened quite frequently on another game. No indication of anything such as scratches on the discs, and no warnings or sounds coming from the PS2. The game just "freezes" and I cannot continue playing the game.
Could it be a problem with the game backup itself? They're both Verbatim and score high in Nero CD DVD speed.
Is my V14 PS2's laser dying? And how can I tell if it is dying?
the only way to tell is to measure the the resistance on the two focus coils in the lens. the v12 burnt out lasers because it lacked over current protection in the event that the lens wasn't reading data and the LMA over drove the coils, no other version has this problem with the exception of the V10 which requires a Romeo mod for the same reasons.
there are countless reasons for the problems you described and foremost is the quality of the SM disc's isn't up to par, the disc's are made with cheap high polymer material that doesn't age well, loosing its opacity making it more difficult for the laser to penetrate and reflect back to be read. a dirty lens can also be at fault as well as outdated firmware on your burner