I have just updated dvd2, and since then I keep getting,the processing error: D:/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB: "data error (cyclic redudncany check)." I have cleaned the DVD surface(s) as directed, and I am still having problems. I have also tried uninstalling and installing the program.
Thanks for your responses, I hadn't figered it out, I have just been working a lot of hours. I cleaned both the original disc and the the recordable disc, and nothing worked. I was trying to burn "Click" and "Littleman". When you say bad pressing, are you referring to placing the disc onto the holder?
i do not use dvd2 so i can't help you there. but i did click use dvdfab and shrink then Nero.
if you search for click you my find so answers.
here a quote form alkohol.
"Here are 2 of the best simple and FREE tools. Both are extremely useful, a must have. I've been using them and never encountered any DVDs/movies that I can not rip and backup.
Method 1: DVDFAB guide
DVDFAB Decrypter +DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guide Just skip STEP #2 (VobBlanker), unless DVD Shrink is throwing up (or having issue) or you're an advanced user and know what/where to blank out.
Method 2: RipIt4Me guide
Here RipIt4Me +DVD Shrink + ImgBurn full guide Just follow this guide slowly and you'll be able to rip any DVDs around the world.
Hi toniej, by bad pressing Commercial made dvd's are pressed not burned, Kinda like albums. Once and a while you might get a bad on, but two in a row? not likley. Try another program like born2ride said, Let us know and good luck.