Ritek are definitely the best discs. Unless of course you bought dodgy traxdata. Make sure to buy from a reputable dealer. The ther issue could very well be your DVD Player. DVD players that play everything will what is called a DVS Loader. These loaders are the very latest around and play absolutely every format you throw at them. The Plu2 proressive scan DVD players have them. i got one for £47 off ebay. However, i have just checked back and they seel for between £200 and £300 now. I was very lucky. I really dont understand it.
I use g03 ritek.. i burn at 2x, with my pioneer a05 firmware. I have had many problems like that.. where it would only happen at the end..(that was on my ps2, on my regular sony standalone dvd player, it works fine)...some other people have noted that if you put a label on top of the cd, (which I do)..that that could also cause it to skip... if you dont use the labels, most probably then its the player..
If you burnt the back up that skips at faster speed than X1 then try slowing down & see if you get the same errors...
Just a suggestion so you dont have to throw away discs , I had some Traxdata that were supposed to burn at upto X2 under f/w 1.31 on Pio 104 but when I burnt at X2 on these I used to get an outer edge error that just made the back up freeze/pixelate on final chapter.
I never had skip problems with ritek g03 before. When I updated firmware to 1.44 as advised by Oriphus, the riteks skipped at the end of the movie (2hr mark). However the firmware works on other peoples systems with no problems.
I downgraded the firmware back to 1.30 and it seems okay again. Haven't tried a 2+ hour movie yet though. Never ever had a problem with back ups done on a ritek with 1.30 FW. I believe the firmware was the fault but the problem is I wanna burn at faster speeds. I believe the firmware 1.44 is good if the right setup is used.
I am running on ME which is utter shite and about as stable as a tightrope walker carrying a buffalo. Might purchase a better DVD player like the DVS Loaders Oriphus recommended.
The DVS Loader is a very good device to have in a DVD player, i've just bought another Plu2 with an even newer DVS Loader. Remember, the thing with firmware is that you are never sure whether it will help your system or hinder it. Some people are lucky, and some aren't. If you had problems before, thre is no harm upgrading the firmware. You dont have to go for a newer firmware, you can get a lower firmware, but still an RPC 1 multi-regional one.
I hope you have success. Windows ME is a real pain in the ass.
I had more problems when I burnt at 1X using my Pioneer A05 DVD-R. My backups work better when burnt at 4X. I have had no problems downsampling any movie, I pulled down Superman Special Ed. and T2 Ultimate Ed. both on 1 4.7GB DVD each.
Do not blame DVD2One, it is great and much better than DVDXCopy Xpress. Make sure your DVD players can play these DVD-R/RW/+R/RW's.
My Xbox can play all backups, the DVD player in my car starts bouncing the laser when I skip too far ahead.
Test the backups on your PC, then you can verify if you have made a Good quality backup.
I use Pioneer A05 w/ RecordMax 3.0, Disc-At-Once (closed), UDF-Upto 128...8+3 bridge.