Hi, i'm really new with the whole chipmoding thing so can someone please answer my questions.
first of all, i have a Xeno GC modchip installed but before i buy all the DVDR's 8cm (cause it's quite expensive for DVDR) i would like to have some answers for my questions.
1) Is it possible to burn the files on a 8cm DVD R with 1,47 gb? (I don't know what the size is of a gcm/iso etc.)
2) I've heard alot of the "gcm fixer" and i don't really understand what it has to be used for, can someone please explain without using difficult words and sentence i'm not quite good with my english. If somebody here speaks Dutch it would make it alot easier.
3) I have a GCM file, and it's 1,35 gb in size. Will i be able to just burn it on DVDR and play? Or do i have to do some stuff to make it playable for instance burn it from gcm to ISO?
4) What's the easiest/best way to change a gcm into an ISO file?
5) Is it smart to buy (cause it's also quite expensive) the gamecube viper case so i can burn the files on normal dvdr's instead of the more expensive 8cm dvdr's. If so if it's called a viper case, is it only possible if you have a Viper modchip installed?
1) yes you can, i use verbatim dvd discs.
2) the fixer is used to pad undersized images. it also trims down oversized images.
3) use Nero 6 to burn it. jusr rename ie from GAME.GCM to GAME.ISO and burn at the lowest speeds.
4)rename it to iso
5)you don't need a new case, just take the top off of the old one and put the disc in. you need something to hold down the 4 pins in back in order for the disc to spin. when using full size dvd's, they can burn out your gc's disc motor faster.