Problems running cdr identifier
19. July 2003 @ 11:12 |
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The last time I tried (a couple of months ago), I was able to run cdr_identifier to obtain the ATIP info using my HP 300i DVD/CD writer. Now, when I run the program, it causes my computer to reboot. Does anyone have any idea what's causing this? I'm running Windows 2000 on a Pentium III 766.
19. July 2003 @ 13:17 |
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Do you have ASPI correctly installed?
19. July 2003 @ 18:22 |
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Thanks, Praetor. I installed the Adaptec ASPI and confirmed with aspichk. Now, cdr_identifier runs without causing my system to reboot but it doesn't seem to recognize I have a writer installed. I get "SCSI ID of Device: No recorder found. SCSI Status: Unknown or Vendor-specific Sensecode." If this is saying that my writer isn't compatible with cdr_identifier, it begs the question of why did it work previously?
On a separate note, I installed Feurio but I don't see how to bring up the ATIP information. Would someone please help out this noob? Thanks.
20. July 2003 @ 01:03 |
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Quote: SCSI ID of Device: No recorder found. SCSI Status: Unknown or Vendor-specific Sensecode
cdr-identifier gives you this error? Perhaps the drive may be too new for the program.
You can read the the ATIP using Nero InfoTools if i am not mistaken?
24. July 2003 @ 09:48 |
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The time for the programs-licence is over. Read the text-file. The program runs nowhere, never. that's all - time is up ;-((
25. July 2003 @ 07:17 |
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Quote: This tool is freeware and may be distributed as it is.
From the ReadMe file. :)
It could be that your burner may be too new to be recognized. Alcohol120 will read ATIP for you :)
Senior Member
30. July 2003 @ 00:52 |
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Quote: The time for the programs-licence is over. Read the text-file. The program runs nowhere, never. that's all - time is up ;-((
Thats interesting... someone is trying to sell an ATIP reader under the name of a popular free one... hmmmm...
Is it exactly the same program as is here -- ?
Bit of a DVDx going on?
: DO the things that people say you cannot :
30. July 2003 @ 08:27 |
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Aye... i think the one Casus is referring to is titled CDRIdentifier 0.92 (could be a space between CDR and Identifier, cant remember)
30. July 2003 @ 09:46 |
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Hi all,
the programm is named CDR Identifier and the correct name is CDR Media Code Identifier 1.62 and the last was 1.63.
It's freeware, but the author Frank Wolf wrote on his former homepage that there the time is up for the programm. It was no unlimited licence for him, not for us, the freeware-users...
30. July 2003 @ 10:00 |
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Ah... as slight misunderstanding. Yes indeed the program is not longer being developed. :(
13. August 2003 @ 04:56 |
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Quote:SCSI ID of Device: No recorder found. SCSI Status: Unknown or Vendor-specific Sensecode
I am having this problem also. I think after I installed Nero 6 I got this error, before this with version 5, i've been able to use it. I used to be able to check my cds using my CD-rom drive or my Lite-On cd writer. Now, no recorder is detected. What should i do?
18. August 2003 @ 06:59 |
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This problem is most likely a conflict with your ASPI drivers. Odds are two of them are version 4.71 and the other two are 4.60. I would recomend you upgrade/downgrade to either one (4.60 seems to be more universally reliable). Dont trust Nero InfoTools to tell you whether or not you have the ASPI correctly installed but rather use the ASPIChk.exe that comes with the ASPI. That should solve your problems
Senior Member
19. August 2003 @ 00:36 |
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4.60 all the way
: DO the things that people say you cannot :
21. August 2003 @ 05:35 |
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I honestly cannot say i notice the difference bewteen a (working) copy o 4.7x or 4.60. I reccomend 4.60 because i find it has the widest range of OS compatibility :-)
21. August 2003 @ 05:52 |
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Thanks Praetor, that solved my problem!
23. August 2003 @ 06:22 |
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Not a problem dude! Glad i could help. :-)