Hi. in a couple of weeks, i am going to but the comsoft v4 laser fix for my v12 PAL ps2 slimline. I cant find info ANYWHERE on what type of wires to use!!!! and one more thing. i am going to install a matrix infinity green dot into the same ps2. i brought all the correct wire and equipment except the soldering iron tip. i went to maplin electronics, and asked them for a 0.1mm tip. they said that the smallest available would be a 0.5mm tip. I am going to get a pro to install the modchip for free, and he has never installed a modchip before; BUT i have given him the manual, and he is an expert on soldering. will this be ok?
the guy down at the radiator repair shop is an expert solderer, he can fix any radiator leak but he is by no means capable of installing a chip into a PS2 console. one who is an expert at soldering on small circuits already has the correct iron and the tips for the job. i wish i had a buck for every 'expert mod' that I've repaired.
for the laser fix you can pick up the wire (30 awg Kynar) at most any electronics store.
No, i should be fine. i have supplied him with all the equipment needed. but just one thing. the 0.1mm soldering tip. the finest i could find was 0.5mm. i have checked out the inside of the ps2 and it looks like there may be a problem because it is i bit too big. is there away i could make it thinner? i heard filing it down may help, but is there anything else that i need 2 do after that? is the something i could put between the contacts to prevent bridging?
IF your guy is an expert solderer as you have now twice made him to be you've got nothing to worry about. yes the tip can be filled down but then needs to be re-tinned but your guy shouldn't have a problem there either.
A little soldering tip any "pro" could let you in on....
filing or anding an electronics iron tip will remove the nickel that protects it from corroding, doing so you will see the tip burn up very quicly. But for one install who cares. A "pro" would never do this cuz it would be too costly to replace continually burnt up tips. Getting the right tip is the best solution, but for a "pro" a .5mm tip shouldn't be an issue either. Also the Comsoft V4 comes with its own wires pre-soldered to it.