I have a VHS cassette movie and would like to capture this onto my hard disk and then covert it into an avi or mpeg file so i can then watch it in media player.
Does anyone know how i can do this?
How much hard disk space would i need to capture a 91min film?
Hardware: Video Card with Composite Video In or S-Video In
alternatively a TV Capture Card.
SoundCard with LineIn for sound recording
Software: VirtualDub or similar program
Compression Codecs: DivX, Intel Indeo 5.10; Most MS OS's have some installed. DivX can be downloaded.
40 Mins with DivX require about 1GB of space at 720x576 @25 fps and a bitrate setting of 4500Kb/s. Experiment with BitRate to reduce space requirement.
CPU requirements: P3 500MHz for 320x240 @25 fps
P4 2Ghz for 720x576 @25 fps
AMD CPU's ? not sure but MHz equivalent should have same performance.
Memory: 512 MB
HD: plenty of free space and a disk without much fragmentation as that will cause greater i/o and CPU for writing the data, hence frame drops.
Hi, I am trying to record the VCR to my computer hard disk. I am using a WINTV card. There is a scart connection from ther VCR and a line in and video connection at the PC end.
I am able to capture the video with no problems. There is audio coming through BUT I have to have all the volume controls up to maxium on the PC and Mic boost on as well to hear a farly low level of sound.
Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?
I have TV card Pinnacle Pro Rave and I'm tryin to capture from VHS to my hard disk. I experienced mainly two trouble while tryin to do it, which is
1) the picture is apearing only in black and white
2) I get no sound from the Video.
The sound card Im using is Sis 7018 wave and has a line in, to which I have connected the external audio cable from the TV card. The only input thatI have given into the TV card is the Video cable only, though. Can someone help me figure out how to tackle the situation.
for Sleuth...
Did you try going into your Windows Control Panel and try adjusting the recording level? Depending on the operating system, you would find this under icons "Multimedia" in Win98, or "Sounds and Multimedia" in W2k. XP would be similar.
Check your input option on software which go with the capture card.
If you used RCA or BNC connector to connect between VHS tape player and your capture card, you must select source "composite input" on the capture software. If you used Y/C cable, you must select the source to "Y/C". Not following this, you will get B/W picture only.