I have a bunch of old avi's that I want to convert to low resolution and low bit rate for archive storage. I have about 200 of these. I am using Vdub for the conversion, XviD for the codec, and external Lame commandline for vbr mp3 using the --vbr settings.
In order to do this, I'm using a program called DubMan which creates batch scripts for Vdub. The idea is that I can open a bunch of files in DubMan and have it create a batch script based on a processing setting file for VDub(.vcf file). This works fine.
The problem is that the .vcf file contains the desired output resolution. Obviously, all of these files have different resolutions, and aspect ratios. So if I encode them all to the same resolution, some of them will be stretched, and have the wrong aspect ratio.
I am encoding to a fixed resolution width of 400 pixels, and then matching the vertical resolution to the aspect ratio of the input file. With no way to automate the resolution and aspect ratio, I am stuck having to go into Vdub and set the resolution for every single one of these files manually!
Can someone think of a way to make a script that can find the input resolution, and then calculate the appropriate output resolution based on the aspect ratio?
If so, these values only have to be written into a text file (.job file for Vdub batch)