All the time, I've been using HP CD Writer Plus 8200i on KODAK CD-Rs & CD-RWs GOLD ULTIMA. Everyting is OK in write/read audio tracks & backup files. During a recent trip in Hong Kong, I bought a few of the subject CDRWs. My HP 8200i works on 4x writing max.
When tried to format the new Platinum cdrw, it refused to be formated. But when I took the cdrw to a friend of mine who is using a 10x writing writer, this time the cdrw can be formatted. Since the Platinum cdrw claims to be muti-speed, I must assume my HP 4x writer should be able to work on them. But can't. Can anyone drop me some advice on this? thanks
Not entirely sure but 12x RW discs are classified as "HiSpeed RWs" and consequently require "HiSpeed" drives to format. "MultiSpeed" if I remember correctly refers to the 1x-4x specification. A similar thing applies to the "UltraSpeed RWs"
Hi Praetor,
I think you're right. It may need a >10x drive to handle this type of CD. But what's stated on the CD 2x,4x8x,10x,12x is therefore misleading.
Those are the speeds available to HiSpeed drives! I dunno if you can even use it at 2x/4x on justa regular MultiSpeed drive. Also, stay away from Memorex RWs (dunno which one specifically but every single MemorexRW ive bought is C R A P.... the high speed discs i bought were onlu MultiSpeed and the 4x Multispeed discs I bought were only 2x... on adn on... just thought i'd pass that warning on) :)