First I would like to apologize if this is in the forum. It's just a quick question. I am not new to PS2 hdd. I am new however to Emulators.
Now my question is that if I download ROMs, do they work for any system? I think I downloaded computer ROMs for Gameboy, BUT the files end in .gb. Now do those ROMs work with the PS2 too? Can I use any ROM and stick it in the PS2 HDD and run them with the PS2 emulator elfs? I thought I downloaded the wrong files but the file ended in .gb so it looks like I can use them with the PS2 emulators.
Thanks in advance.
One more question, I have looked and googled and looked and googled, and I am not sure if there is a PSX1 emulator for the PS2? Just give me a yes or no please, I am not asking for links or anything of the sort. I just want to know if there is a PSX emu for the PS2? All the sites I have found with EMUs aren't very specific about what the program is. The only EMUs that are obvious are the PGEN, SNES, and NES. Other than that I don't know what the rest are. Well actually I know the Atari EMUs too, but the sites aren't very specific which each is. I am using SKSAPPS for the EMUs.
but like I said, they're not very specific which each are. If someone could help, that would be greatly appriciated. One more thing, what is MAME EMU? I see that is one of the most popular but I have no idea what it is and if it's something good, I would like to have it :). Thanks for the help everyone.
As for an "PSX Emu", why would you need to EMULATE something that the PS2 is capapable of doing? Also, PSX games will NOT work on an HDD. Only way to play PSX games to my knowledge is by Using BreakerPro or direct boot of Imports/Backups/Originals with a MOD CHIP.
MAME Emu for PS2? Never heard of it.
MAME is an Arcade Emulator (the games yo see in the Arcade, like Metal Slug and Capcom vs. SNK 2.)
THere is an Emulator for SNES on the PS2 calles "SNES STATION". Its free and can be downoaded all over the net via. Torrent or p2p. (Comes with all,.... ALL (almost all) American released SNES games - Fits on a standard 700MB CD-R)
InfoNES-HDD is the orignal Nintendo System
SNESStation is the Super Nintendo System
PGEN is the Sega Genisis system
InfoGB-IRX is the GameBoy system(-and in black and white) does anyone know of a color gameboy elf?
I think PSMS is the Game Gear, not 100% sure though
and I think I am sure of the Atari EMU, but I thought there was a Nintendo 64 EMU, can someone help me out PLEASE!!!??? Give me some credit, I looked them all up and I couldn't find one, please give me some help. Thanks
Dunno about using 7z files. But you can use the roms that you use on the pc. Might have to extract them. Some emulators can play them zipped some cant.
PS2 Silver Simline & Swap Tool Pro v2
Swap Magic 3.6+, Games, Games and more Games...
Old Fat PS2 & Slide Card Pro
A whole lot of Elfs, Mp3's and Videos via HDD.