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26. July 2003 @ 09:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
iv`e spent the last 2 weeks & 30 odd disk`s trying to work out what the prob is ( software i think or disk`s ) 25 hrs plus looking round site`s like this one but no luck, iv`e got a pioneer 105 v1.30 fw, p3 733 256sdram, fresh format & install of xp pro & 2 hard drives runing on sep cables ( read 2 1 compress 2 other ) so no hold up there, shut down all other software. dvd decrypter 2 rip, dvd2one v1.0.0 v1.1.3 & v1.2.3, nero to burn updated that then tryed, copy to dvd, both at +1 with datawrite +4 speed red top`s, skiped in the same place after about 50 or 70min`s, so i dont think it`s burning software?? or the master dvd as have had 2 from different place`s, so far 2 good backup`s & 4 with the same prob`s, so the only thing`s i think it can be is dvd2one, disk`s, memory ( not enough ) or need more cpu, but iv`e read on site`s people with p4 2.5`s & over 700sdram with the same kind of prob`s, the only other disk`s i can get my hand`s on are datawrite 1+ yellow top`s. thank`s for any help
AfterDawn Addict
26. July 2003 @ 09:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Its probably going to be a combination of disc and dvd player. Try using Ritek's.

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27. July 2003 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all. :)

gixerman, I too was using Datawrite red x4 (Princo).
Out of the first batch of 25, I only made a couple of coasters which I attributed to my lack of experience.
Out of the second batch, more than half were coasters (I might be in for a bad surprise when I check the backups made with the first batch more thoroughly)!! :(

So I do believe it's a media problem.
When using a disc to its full capacity, its edge is being written to.
If the quality of the edge is not good (as it is the case in certain batch of Datawrite), the writing and/or reading process will be compromised; hence freeze-ups, skipping, etc etc

So I suggest you either switch to better media (not Princo), or compress your backups a bit more so the edge of your DVD-Rs is not written to. ;)

P.S: Bulpak claim to be using TDK as their dye (a very good dye), but it's a false claim.
They are actually using Princo.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. July 2003 @ 14:56

27. July 2003 @ 16:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank`s for your help on this one, i`m trying a new way of doing the burn & so far iv`e burned 5 film`s AND THEY ALL WORK thats a lot better than my last score of 30 costers and only getting 2 good dvd out of it, i`m a bit short of time at the min but will be back to say how iv`e done it ( & i`m going to change disk`s when i run out to Ritek's like oriphus said, thank`s bud ) cheers for your input ddlooping b good ;)
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27. July 2003 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad you managed to fix your problem, gixerman. :)

Please do come back and tell us how you did it. ;)
27. July 2003 @ 18:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi ddlooping, k this is how i did it, not saying it`s the best way but it work`s for me so far :). get & install copytodvd i`m on v & i use DVD2One v 1.2.3 with DVD Decrypter v3.1.6.0 to rip, rip as normal, now start copytodvd press cancel go to options as you will need to set writing speed first ( i use 1+ as quality is better than when i put it to 2+ or higher, up to you ) press ok then close, start DVD2One setup as normal but click ( burn files with copytodvd, that`s what has changed it from all coster`s to 5 out of 5 ) iv`e got my setting as 4472mb movie only & constant ratio but that is up to you, do the rest as normal. wait till done feed it a disk & an hour later a great quality backup, i hope it work`s for all of you that were having the same prob`s as me that would b cool let me know how you get on. laterz gixerman ;)
8. August 2003 @ 21:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
all was going well all backup`s worked fine, untill i ran out of Datawrite redtop`s, i asked my local shop for some Ritek's like Oriphus said but they did not have any for a few day`s so i got another 25 of redtop`s then the skiping started again, fk`s sake not again, i mean what are the chance`s of going through 50 red`s trying a new combo of software for the first time & it working??? so after 9 coster`s i took them back & swaped them for Ritek's, so far it`s been ok & they play in PS2 cool. thank`s Oriphus for puting me onto Ritek's & ddlooping you were spot on (second batch, more than half were coasters). b good, gixerman ;)
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9. August 2003 @ 01:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad we could be of help, gixerman. :) > forums > archived forums > dvd2one forum > backups skip or lock up going mad pls help

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