DVD2onex help
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27. July 2003 @ 14:52 |
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I have been told by several sources that dvd2onex is the best solution for making back-up DVDs. I downloaded this program, but I do not know how to use it. Is DVD2onex just for making a burnable disc image, or does it rip dvds also? Any info on how to use this program would be greatly appreciated!!
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27. July 2003 @ 19:33 |
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DVD2ONEX is a compression tool. You can rip a DVD with DVD Backup 1.3 and then you compress it using DVD2OneX so that it will fit onto a DVD-R and then you can burn it using toast or similar burning roms. All you have to do it tell DVD2OneX the source of the VIDEO_TS file and then, create a destination file and it will compress for you. Hope this helps!
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28. July 2003 @ 04:41 |
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Thank you!!
I have a couple more questions, though. WHen ripping the DVD with DVD Backup, do I rip all the files on the dvd or just the largest one. Also, when I did I test run with DVD2One, it produced lots of different files (.ifo .bup .vib) Do I just drag all those files into toast or did I do something wrong in DVD2One? Thanks for your help, I am new at this!
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28. July 2003 @ 11:48 |
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To answer your first question, yes, you need to rip every file on the DVD. There will be the three different types of files the .ifo, .bup and .VOB. The .VOB files you will notice are bigger than the .ifo and .bup, but all of them are required to burn the DVD successfully. You will probablly also notice that the destination of the DVD is ripped into a folder called "VIDEO_TS". You just drag this file into Toast. All the files need to be in the VIDEO_TS folder to successfully burn. Let me know if this method works. I am having problems with Toast where every time I go to burn it says "Toast cannot write this data in Mac OS standard. Please switch to Mac OS Extended", so I havent been able to burn yet.
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29. July 2003 @ 12:30 |
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To burn a DVD in Toast to a blank DVD, you need to choose "Other", then click and hold near the top right and you'll get a pop-down menu giving you the chance to choose "DVD". Now click "New DVD" and name it exactly the same as the original DVD (ie, all capitals, and "_" instead of spaces, eg "CATCH_ME_IF_YOU_CAN"). Next, drag your "TS_VIDEO" folder that was created by DVDBackup into Toast and burn, baby, burn...
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29. July 2003 @ 13:55 |
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I have chosen other, but I dont see this pop-down window you speak of. I have Toast version 5.2.1. What version do you have?
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30. July 2003 @ 00:09 |
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Yes, I've got the same version...
Above the word "Other" you'll see an icon that looks like a filing cabinet - just move your mouse over this icon (you'll see it get slightly bolder) and click & hold and the menu should drop down. The DVD option should then be the 3rd one on the list.
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30. July 2003 @ 16:17 |
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Is the folder name "TS_VIDEO" or "VIDEO_TS". Also, DVDbackup creates a folder like this, but it is too big for one DVD. So i take that folder in DVD2One and it creates a bunch of files, but does NOT create a folder such as VIDEO_TS or TS_VIDEO. Should a create a new folder and name it one of those and then drag all the files that DVD2One created into it? Thanks!
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31. July 2003 @ 01:25 |
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The folder name should always be "Video_TS" - If you look at a new DVD, you'll probably also see a folder called "Audio_TS" - ignore this cos you don't need it.
Unless DVD2OneX does it automatically (I can't remember whether it does or not), you should create a new folder called "Video_TS" to put the files created by DVD2OneX in (it's best to make sure your original "Video_TS" folder is not in the same place, otherwise you may overwrite it!.
Once DVD2OneX has done its magic, this new "Video_TS" folder (which you'll now find is small enough to burn from Toast) is then the one you use to drag into Toast (Again, make sure you've clicked on "New DVD" in Toast and named it exactly the same as the orig DVD.
I know the above sounds a little confusing, but once you've done one correctly, it'll seem much clearer what you've done and why you've done it!...
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31. July 2003 @ 07:55 |
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For some reason, though, I am having trouble with the DVD-R's I am buying. I bought a spindle of CompUSA brand DVD-Rs which did not work. When I put it in and click burn, Toast just thinks a little bit (it says "waiting for writer") and then just ejects it and says please insert a recordable DVD. I then bought a spindle of Fuji DVD-Rs which did the same thing. The only brand that worked was the Apple brand DVD-R. I have a 12" PB. Do I have to use Apple brand DVD-Rs?
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1. August 2003 @ 03:41 |
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No, you don't - I've been using Verbatim DatalifePlus with no problems so far.
Unfortunately, the blank DVD situation is a bit like the blank CD situation was a number of years ago, ie a lot of brands are unreliable at the moment. It's only a matter of time before we see more reliable DVD media being sold...