Need Help w/Hook Up
26. December 2006 @ 15:15 |
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I have a new Sony Receiver (Model STR-DG500) that I am having a little trouble hooking up. I have a DVD player hooked up w/ composite cables, and my satellite box is hooked up with the regular RCA cables. Finally my PS2 is hooked up w/ the PS2 connector (RCA).
The receiver is hooked to the TV with composite cables.
I can get sound from all three devices; however, the receiver only passes the video from the DVD. I have tried hooking up the monitor out on the receiver to a free input on the TV but that does not work either.
I currently have skipped the receiver for video (except the DVD since it works) but I want to simplify switching between components for those that have less technological skill than myself.
Senior Member
29. December 2006 @ 03:50 |
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First off, are you getting confused, between composite and component cables? Composite cables are the red, white, and yellow, rca cables. Component cables look similar, because of having rca connectors, but are red, blue, and green, color coded.
Since it's a surround receiver, you should hook up the dvd player, with component cables, and digital coax or optical cable, so you can get 5.1 surround (unless you don't have enough speakers). You'll need to go into the dvd player's setup menus, and set the audio output to "Bitstream", not PCM. May also be a setting to turn "ON" DTS. Then make sure your receiver is set to "Digital Auto". When using component cables, you may also want to set the dvd player to "Progressive", to get your best possible picture. Not sure, but tv may have to be set for Progressive also.
When using digital coax, or optical cable for audio, you'll need to go into the receiver's setup menus, and assign the digital inputs, to whatever you have hooked up to them. Owner's manual will tell you how. Digital coax or optical cables, are the only way you'll get 5.1 surround from your equipment. With composite cables, the best you'll get is simulated surround, with the Dolby Pro Logic II setting.
Forgive me if this is obvious to you, but I don't know, how much you know.......
You have the monitor out, from receiver, to "Video 1" input, on tv? Once you have the inputs assigned to the equipment you have hooked up, they should work, by pushing the buttons (DVD, TV, AUX., etc.), on the receiver or remote, with the tv's input on Video 1.
ps2 also has component and optical outputs, doesn't it? You may need to go into it's settings, and enable digital out for it too, if you want surround from it.
I know it gets confusing, but take your time, and make sure the output from one piece, goes to the right input, on the receiver. Make sure the inputs are assigned correctly, on the receiver.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes........... :o)
29. December 2006 @ 18:52 |
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I have a fairly similar problem with my STR-DG800. The receiver has component cables going to my Infocus projector. My Sony DVD player (DVP-NS75H) is hooked up via component cables to the receiver and works great. However, I'm having trouble getting the Wii and the cable box (composite cables) to display video although the sound works well.
My hope was to only have the component cable running to the projector from the receiver. Is this possible?
Senior Member
29. December 2006 @ 19:18 |
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Since you're running composite cables to the receiver also, you'll need to run composite cables to the tv too. Since it's not working now, your receiver doesn't seem to "upconvert" the signal, from composite to component.
The component cables, from receiver to tv, are probably in Video 1?
You'll have to use a different input, for composite, and remember to change tv to that input, when you want to use the Wii or cable box.