I have been trying emule now for four months and I am having no luck with it. I admit that I like it better than any other due to its fine source of quality files, but the speeds are not up to par, and now I have just encountered a new problem. First things first... I have read the various guides from the emule tutorial, to helping speed things up by changing UDP's, etc, etc... I do NOT have a firewall, yet I have a low ID, and have since I started. I have over 10 GB of files sharing, still low ID. It barely reaches the 1 million which i heard you need at least 13 million if im not mistaken.. What gives? What am I missing? I follow the guides and do what they say yet I download at 10 kbps if im lucky... Now this new thing just happened and I have no idea why... I was downloading a file, and it was 100% and said completing.. Then emule froze up. I had to restart. Once I did emule connected, but my file said hashing, then it went from complete to 16%!!!! What was that all about??? Any help would be mucho appreciated, but I have a feeling I will just have to suffer with slow download speeds which bites since I have dsl. Thanks.
Well, lowid can be caused byu a lot of things, an annoying isp that keeps blocking your client port fir example. As for eMule freezing up, how much do you take care of your computer? do you defrag often and not choke it up with tonnes of programs? Is it running on an old computer? are you sharing tonnes of small files like mp3 that will never be downloaded by anyone and are just wasting resources etc etc!! these are important points, I know 2 or 3 ppl who said eMule uinbelievably improved after they formatted and re-installed windows! I for instace, take very good care of my computer and get over 100kb/s easy!
Hi, I found that Internet Connection Sharing was causing me to get a LowID because it was blocking all of my ports, even on the ICS server (Windows 98), I also have a friend who gets a LowID because of WinXP ICS. If you are running ICS this may well be the cause of the problem. Again as Dela said isps seem to block lots of ports, i was having problems with WinMX because of that.
Once I fixed my LowID problem (opening up the blocked prots with a great little program) I kept getting 10-15kbps for a while, even with files shared, but after a while it has slowly increased and i can now get up to 45kbps. I don't know if that helps at all.
Well lets discuss the old computer therory. I have been running emule for about 2 weeks now and I was getting really slow download speeds at first like excpected. I am using a Compaq that is over 3 years old with a very slow processor(600 mhz) compared to the processors that are out today. Now after running emule for over two weeks my download speeds will easily reach over 30kb/s. I will say I have always had a High ID and it's always the same(it's 3 billion something). I do run a firewall while running emule and have tried disabling it but doesn't seem to make a difference.
Good Luck and keep us updated on any changes you have made and the results if any.
I have not been up to date with my fragmenting, but I have scheduled it now to run once a week. I didnt realize that could have any effect. I will be running a clean install soon because I am turning my pc into a server so it will soon have windows 2000 on it. (its running Xp now). I looked at the ICS but its not connected. I do not have alot of small files, but i noticed some of the files I share arent exactly what everyone wants, so I will get rid of the ones noone is asking for. I have a DSL hook up and I would like to know about this uncapping program you mentioned. I have done a few searched but have come up empty. Could you tell me the name of one. Thanks. GBH
hi praxy, to map ports through Win98 Internet connection sharing I used a great program called ICS Configuration, http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/ics/icsconfiguration.htm i just tried it out and the page is there but i couldn't get any of the downloads to work, u didn't say anything about wat sort of setup u want to map ports through, so i can only say wat i did
most of the ports on my system are blocked, i need to open those. i heard of ICS. but when i tried to enable it in add/remove panel, it says, network config is incomplete, first check it and then try installin ics. i hv a cable connection. i dont hv a router or nothing, i get my internet thru a cable thts all. tcp/ip, realtek card driver/client for microsoft networks are the 3 listing seen in the network panel. how do i install ICS? can i anyone tell me where i download ICSCFG? thanks.
praxy, you only need ICS if you are using more than one computer connected to the net through the computer with the net connection. I have found through playing around, that when i remove my network and disable ICS so that I only have one computer connected to the net and no network that I always get a LowID, and I can't seem to get around it.