Here is a copy of a e-mail I sent to ROXIO's customer service department after I found out I was no longer eligible for e-mail support for one of their programs;
"Just an editorial here, since I'm sure I won't get any help from you on this. I am a longtime user of your Photosuite II program, as well as two different versions of Easy CD Creator. I went out and bought Photosuite II it as soon as it was released. Recently, I put together a new computer system, upgrading most of the hardware and software. One thing I wanted to keep, though was your Photosuite II. I loved it, it did everything I ever wanted to do with pictures, never wanted to buy anything else. When I went to install Photosuite on my new system, however, I had problems. Now the first problem I was able to overcome by reading the knowledge base questions on your website. Then came another problem. But this time, there wasn't an answer in the knowledge base for this one. So I started to read your support options, only to find out I don't qualify for support, because my product was purchased more than one year ago. As well, I can't even start the program to get a TSID anyhow if it was less than a year old. Well, you know what, that's fine. I'll just go out, and buy someone else's program. Other companies make what you guys sell, most of them are better anyway. Matter of fact, I won't purchase any ROXIO programs now or in the future for fear I might need support a year and a day after I purchase it, and I won't get it.
Funny thing though, I also had problems re-installing my kids "ECHO" the dolphin PC game made by SEGA, which I bought back in 1995, when I put my first computer together. After encountering the problem, I checked their website, and christ, they don't even make PC games anymore. I e-mailed them anyway, not thinking I was going to get any help for a pc game I bought 8 years ago! But lo and behold, they e-mailed me back a day later, saying they would be glad to help, that AS LONG as they were in business, they would support ANY of their programs. And you know what? I went to many newsgroups and forums and shared my positive experience with SEGA (a company that's been around much longer than ROXIO, and will be around long after ROXIO is gone) with many other people, and had many nice things to say about SEGA.
I guess this time, I'll just have to go to the same newsgroups and forums to tell everyone about my experience with ROXIO, and how you're SOL if your product is a year and a day old. maybe I can convince everyone to go out and by "NERO" and "Picture It."
Ahhhhhhh, what do you guys care anyway, what's a little word of mouth gonna do to a company like you. Then again, remember how long it took Chrysler (and a few billion in federal loans) to get back on their feet after "word of mouth" got them in the 70's? Think you'll qualify for those federal loans?"
Seems like they aren't the only one's skimping on support, christ, at Symantec, there isn't even an option for toll free phone support, from day one the only free option you have is e-mail, phone support is either incident fee based or by the minute. Now I might be acting like a baby about this, but I work at a company where customer service is absolutely priority number one, no if's and's or's or but's. I think some of these companies have forgotten this, and the only way they will ever find out it doesn't pay is to hurt then where it counts, in their bottom line. In other words,