I've got a motley collection of VOB files. They came from attempts to back up my son's dvd's. Dumbo the elephant, The Wiggles, etc. And mostly it didn't work. I was too late. They were too scratched and peanut buttered. DVD Decrypter couldn't get the files. Only some of them.
So I thought maybe I could make a sort of patchwork quilt dvd for him. Little short clips (the vobs) from all different dvd's.
Question is: How? What's the best software to use for the job? Is it feasible?
Run Shrink and click 'DVD Re Author'.
On right panel click 'DVD Browser'
Open the folder(s) with the VOB files and drag the titles, one at a time,to the left panel.
You can either play the clip to see what's on it or click on the 'Start/End Frame' symbol and select what you want.
Make sure that the total is under 4300MB and burn a dvd.
If you only have VOB files (no IFO, BUP files) then you can't use Shrink. Shrink only works with a full set of DVD files, not individual VOB files.
If you just have VOB files and you want to put them together to author a new DVD then you could use something like NeroVision Express.
Also, You could use a simple mpeg editor like VideoRedo Plus (free trial) to edit each VOB for just the scenes you wanted. Then add the VOB's to NeroVision to make a new DVD.
I see one of the dirs there (dumbo, as it happens) has got 4 Vobs, 2 Ifos, and 1 .bup. I don't know if that counts as a 'full set' - I guess there's a good chance that some of the files DVDDecrypt couldn't get were IFO and BUP ?
I've got Nerovision. I'll try that route.
Sounds like VOB files are merely mpegs? In that case I like the idea of editing them but I don't like to use free trial software until I've checked the market for freeware, open source stuff, etc.
I've got quite a lot of such stuff downloaded in the past and never tried. If there's any such that will do the job the same as VideoRedo Plus perhaps I've already got it - If someone could provide a name so's I can search my hard drives?
And, of course, I can do some googling and see what I get in the line of 'mpeg editor' - I'll do that.
There's a free MPEG editor called Cutterman. The biggest limitation it has is that it can only work with elementary streams, meaning you have to Demux the VOBs. You can do this with DGIndex, also free. If you want a nice easy interface I also highly recommend VideoReDo Plus. I've been using it for a couple of years now and I'm very happy with it.