I was wondering if the laser in a v4 PS2 will have problems in the future.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that there's a certain version PS2 or something that has the best hardware, but I can't seem to remember which version it was.
Also, I don't plan on using the laser that much, either. If my friend wants to sell this to me, I plan on putting a DMS4 S.E. Pro, and a 500GB hard drive and storing my games on there, in order for the laser not to go bad real soon.
If you check your laser it should have it's model written on it somewhere. 400B lasers typically have issues, 400C lasers typically do not. Others I think do fine as well.
However, since you plan on going the hard drive route, a bad laser won't be a critical issue. I'd say if you can get the system for a good price, go for it.
V7 and v9 systems I've had good luck with - good lasers and long lasting.
Some say that the 400C will work in the older version as well like version 4 or 5, but then you'll have to tweak it a little due to the fact that the 400B laser is bigger in depth while the 400C is smaller. To compensate the difference in height, you'll might have to adjust the lever to get it to read correctly. If laser do go bad, i think you should stick to 400B incase you couldn't get your 400C to work in ur v4 ps2.
The 400C is a direct replacement for the 400B, no adjustment needs to be made to compensate any size difference in the laser. Normal adjustment of the cog and pots may or may not need to be done.
However there is no such thing as a "new" KHS-400C or KHS-400B as Sony has stopped making them years ago. All the lasers currently on the market are refurbished lasers (even if they are being sold as new) that have random quality.
There is a third party company that just recently started addressing the fat PS2 laser crisis. They are making their own new laser called the 400W which I have tested a few of and have had good results with.
Your best option is to get a chip like the Crystal Chip 2.0 or a MI and boot HDL in dev mod avoiding the use of your PS2's laser all together.
I am very interested in these new 400w lasers, does the manufacturer have a homepage? and how do they stack up price ways compared to "new" 400B/C's?
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