I wish to make a copy of BF1942 Disc 1, so that I don't have to continuously use the original. So far I'm stumped! I have the latest Alcohol 120% and also Clone CD available, and my burner is a new LG GCE 8527B with the latest firmware. Forgot to mention that BF1942 is also patched up-to-date. I have 8 coasters so far!
Any help would really be appreciated, the more detail, the better. Thanks in advance.
You should just create an IMAGE file using Alcohol. Rip disk one using the safedisk protection. After the disk is ripped use Daemon Tools to mount it or Alcohol 120%. I prefer daemons tools. Often mini images work also. Start to rip the disk till about 10% and then stop it. When it asked you if you want to delete the file say no. Then mount the mini image. This will save hard drive space. Or you can rip the image to you hard drive then use Nero and burn it onto a disk as a data disk using Nero. Then you can mount the image off your data disk thats in your cd rom. All these ways will work. GL!
Sorry I apologize for my error. It seems that I bypassed the fact that you had the original, and you just wanted to stop the hassle of using it everytime you were going to play. GL
Keithyb - yes and no. by placing the image created by Alcohol 120% in it's virtual drive, the game works great. I was not, however, able to produce a burned CD that worked. After a bit of research, I've determined that the problem is probaby with my CD burner. (LG GCE 8527B or LG GSA H10L)
Anyway, the problem is solved, but not quite to my satisfaction. BTW, I also tried CloneCD. If anyone has a better idea, I'm all ears.
Thanks for your interest.
I never had much luck with burning it to a disk nor did I care. Some of the smaller games you can stick like 4 images of 4 different games on one DVD-R disk. It saves you from popping disk after disk after disk. Mount and play!