i'm trying to configure the ps3 internet connection as i have easyly done with my 360 and wii but after i configure everything (wired at the momment) and go testing i goy:
Obetined ip: success
Internet connection: failed
so wtf with this??? i got everything as all of my networked systems at home and i can't connect to the internet, why?
i got a 60gb vers, not dhcp, ip and dns assigned by me.
I would try a diffrent port on your router, I have my PS2 XBOX andXBOX360 connected to my router, so I connected my PS3 via ethernet and it didn't work in the 4th port! I have a netgear router, I swaped it with my PS2 and the PS2 didn't work either, so I swaped it with the 360 and it worked! Wierd hu!
That's not my case cos i unpluged the ethernet cable connected to my xbox and plug it to my ps3, i tried wireless too and i have the same problem, what could it be? do you think there is something wrong with the equipment?
"Your PS3 needs a firmware update before you can do all that you can online. Go into the Settings menu and at the top you will find the System Update. Have this download and install the latest version of the firmware (it will work even with the messages it is giving you) and try the test again after the restart.
When it goes to install you will need to connect the controller to the system via the USB port- it will ask for this before starting the install.
This sort of thing will be a semi-regular event as they bring in new features. those of us with PSPs are somewhat used to it already"
I tried that b4 posting here and did nothing at all, so now i'm downloading the update from the ps3 site and will install it from a media storage.