I have recently downloaded Alcohol cause I thought it would be as easy to use as CloneCD, well I uninstalled Clone CD because I thought that Alcohol was my new answer, it might be in some aspects but Im so confused. I have no idea the settings I should be using for myself, I have been scaling the Forums for the last 2 days in Alcohols website and they wont anwser my questions. So I look for further help. First off I have ClonyXXL, I uninstalled CloneCD v3 cause I thought I didnt need it anymore, so now I need that again, but every link I try is broke for the new version V4. I tried making an image of WarCraft 3 at first I though it was Securom V4.x cause I read in a list on the alcohol website that it was 4.68 so I used Securom v4.X and it didnt work then I used Securom NEW and it worked but then I noticed that when I restarted my comp the image I just burnt on the CD was now an AUDIO CD why? SO now I have an image sitting in my Alcohol Screen when I open it up so Im able to play the game after mounting from 1 drive to another. I know you guys posted how to do make a copy of Warcraft3 but I still dont understand what to do, I was wandering if there was anybody who could sit with me and help me out on how to use this program, so Im comfortable, I know this might be difficult but Im lost and dont know what to do, by the way I am still writing in the Alcohol format. I have an IDE-CD R/RW 32x Firmware C1.7 the drivers are from 1999, would I need to update? and an AVX-CD/DVD-ROM, Pentium 3 633 Windows 98 second Edition. Well I hope a message this BIG wasnt posted before. Im sorry I hope that someone could please help me get going so Im comfortable and were to donwload CloneCD v4.
Thanks for all your time,