Page Of Updates??
Staff Member
8. August 2003 @ 05:31 |
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Hey again guys, just had an idea for an extra feature in the future!
How about a page for every user showing the threads that recently were updated, that he/she is subscribed to? Maybe you could make it a choice between that and emails of updates?? could save you guys a lot of bandwidth??
Thnx for listening :-) lol
AfterDawn Addict
9. August 2003 @ 05:40 |
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Id prefer that for sure. With the email updates i keep having to sign in for some strange reason??
Staff Member
9. August 2003 @ 07:19 |
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Well are you using hotmail or something, the problem is when you click a link on a hotmail message, it opens the link in an external hotmail window! So your cookies arent in use!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
13. August 2003 @ 12:45 |
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I like that idea, but a slight modification I would like to see is the subject heading instead of saying thread update is the actual thread that has been updated. Then when oriphus gets in a fight and I see 35 messages, instead of thread is updated it would be beter to see 35 of x thread messages. then I could just delete 34 or them and go to the newest and egg him on.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

Staff Member
14. August 2003 @ 07:43 |
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dRD said that to me ages ago, he asked do i think it would help and i said ye!
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14. August 2003 @ 08:11 |
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dRD, said that about egging Oriphus on or about the Subject heading?
LOL, Sorry to use Oriphus as an example. But it was fresh in my mind. The page update is a good idea, but I think I would prefer the Subject listing the thread name if I had to choise.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

Staff Member
14. August 2003 @ 08:32 |
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lol about the thread title on the subject of course :P
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14. August 2003 @ 09:06 |
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I figured as much, but if it was about Oriphus that would have been cool. Help in which way I am not too sure, but would be funny all the same.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

Staff Member
14. August 2003 @ 09:17 |
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Yep would be quite funny!
15. August 2003 @ 00:28 |
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agree with 200% on that one..
in fact ,that willbe better than email updates,,
which i have stopped using..because of the multiple mails with same heading.which id complained about earlier.
.and which prisoner reiterated..
BTW..wat do ul think about my points below
hope da boss does it..
"i woulhd have stuck to sniffing coke-only the ice cubes tend to get stuck in my nose" : #ad_buddies
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. August 2003 @ 00:33
AfterDawn Addict
15. August 2003 @ 15:53 |
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Hey guys, my ears are buring!! Is someone talking about me?? ;-)
Staff Member
16. August 2003 @ 05:22 |
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eh WHAT?
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18. August 2003 @ 16:19 |
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No way not you Oriphus, but sorry anyway for the close reference.
But any way, After geting 102 emails and only 19 of them are different. I would really like to see the title of the thread as the Subject line.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

Staff Member
18. August 2003 @ 18:04 |
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Yep, or some other kind of restriction that will kill that, u know how i feel now man!
I hate titles
35 product reviews
19. August 2003 @ 08:00 |
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Done. Happy?-)
Staff Member
19. August 2003 @ 08:31 |
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Very!! Nice work! :-)
Suspended due to non-functional email address
19. August 2003 @ 16:06 |
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Yes very happy. Was able to check my e-mail for the first time today, right now and was able to delete all as the subject told me I was already there.
Thank you.
I am not a number
I am a Free Man

19. August 2003 @ 23:44 |
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Hey Drd.
thanks.for that subject title feature on the emails,
finally u did it
,now i can start usin that again..
BTW..welcome back.:)_
"i woulhd have stuck to sniffing coke-only the ice cubes tend to get stuck in my nose" : #ad_buddies
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. August 2003 @ 23:49
AfterDawn Addict
20. August 2003 @ 01:07 |
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Good job boss, appreciated by all.
Staff Member
22. August 2003 @ 06:27 |
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Ye i cleared a hellova lot of email befgore i even looked at any, its great :-)