Can not play back videos in any player..
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10. August 2003 @ 12:46 |
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Hi, I have Win. XP, Window Media player 9.0, Real Player One & Win-Amp 3.0. None of my AVI movies (which turned out to all be divx) can be watched in any player except the Divx Player 2,1. Which codecs and or softwares do I need to download to be able to play divx movies in other players?. I read some replies, did not fully understand replies and solutions. I am as you call a newbie. Appreciate your answer. Thanks.
Senior Member
10. August 2003 @ 18:49 |
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Do you have the the divx 5.05 codec or just the player?
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
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11. August 2003 @ 16:55 |
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Hi, I have down-loaded Divx Pro 5.0.5 Bundle (with codecs, don't know which ones. how can I find out which codecs I got with this software?)and I have the Divx 2.1 Player. I also have the following players: Window Media 9, Real One, and Win-Amp 3. In addition to getting a black screen (no picture)(but I do get sound),I get an error message: "stream format not supported". Perhaps this ties in with my other problem which was "codec not installed" (as per GSpot analization). Thanks for your time and support.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2003 @ 17:02
Senior Member
11. August 2003 @ 17:29 |
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If you downloaded the 5.05 bundle then youve got the newest codec version.
Im really not sure why WMP9 or your other players cant play the movies after youve installed the codec. The only possible reason I can come up with is that you didnt install the codec and just the divx player, since you said the movies work only in the divx player. (The divx player doesnt need any divx codecs to decode divx movies, while others such as WMP9 does.)
I suggest reinstalling the divx codec.
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11. August 2003 @ 19:49 |
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Hi, 1)Since last contact, I down-loaded latest vers.of Direct X (vers.9)as per Real One Player ans. to my e-mail. Right after the down-load, most movies now open in all players.3 movies still have "the codecs are missing" or "stream format not supported errors".Did the Direct X update do the trick? 2)To re-install the Divx codecs, do I need to un-install the whole Gator/Gain Bundle (remove every thing installed on my hard drive)?, or only find & install the divx codecs & from which site?. P.S. per your earlier answer
about FFDShow 2003-05-023 alpha:Iprinted the details from www.dawnload.net/video. I find details are complicated to understand. Once down-loaded, will FFDShow work with all codecs for all videos? Do I keep both FFDShow & Divx codecs? 3)In MS Tec. Supp. it said that MM9 doesn't support .AVI for streaming & it needs to be converted to .asf.Am I confused? Regards.
Senior Member
11. August 2003 @ 23:03 |
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1. What was your version of DirectX before the upgrade? And yes I believe that upgrading DirectX fixed most of your problems.
2. The only divx codec you need is DivX 5.05, because it will decode all avis encoded with earlier versions of the divx codec. So I suggest uninstalling all versions of the divx codec on your computer and only reinstall DivX 5.05. You can download the newest version here:
3. No, FFDSHOW will only work for movies encoded with codecs it supports. You can see which codecs it does support by getting into the ffdshow configuration menu and under codecs it should tell you. But to be honest, the FFDshow decoding filter will be able to work with most if not all movies you download off of the Internet. Yes, you can keep both the divx codec and ffdshow filter on your computer. I believe once you install the ffdshow filter it will automatically take the place of the divx decoder. If you want the divx decoder to decode your movies instead of ffdshow, simply get into the configuration menu and under Codecs, disable the option which reads Divx5.
Im not sure what you mean by MM9.
What does Gspot have to say about those 3 movies that still wont play?
Life is but a dream...so wake me up already!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2003 @ 23:04
12. August 2003 @ 07:36 |
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1. Open up the movies in GSpot.... does it say you can play the movies now?
2. Try uninstalling all the codecs and reininstalling only the ones you need as they have a tendency to not like each other :)
Suspended due to non-functional email address
12. August 2003 @ 15:25 |
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Hi Powerdup:installed FFDShow.During installation, disabled wmv (window media video 1)per instructions of web site. Per yr.ans., clicked on FFDShow config.in Properties windows,clicked Codecs.The foll. codecs are all Disabled:
wm1/7,wmv2/8,h.263+,mpeg1,mpeg2,mpeg in AVI,mjpeg,dv,cyvv,asvi,huffyuv,theora,rant video. Leave all disabled codecs as is?.How do I activate the disabled codecs if needed?
Make any changes to disabled codecs?,if yes, which ones?(I clicked on a deselected item, & got drop-down menu & 2 choices:(a)libmpeg2 (b)libmpeg2.)I am lost: what do I do?
2)per yr.prev.ans:I dont understand how to remove codec divx 5(if needed),do you mean completely? how?,can it be re-activated?
3)properties Help dont work.where to get the inform. (web site)to understand functions of
all options in config. menu before using?4)once FFDShow is installed,does it work autom.with all playback videos?p.s. after update, tech. who built my computer said Direct x was vers.8. dont know how to check prev.version. pps. sorry, I think I posted my question 2x in error.I got password error & I re-entered my question again.To Praetor: still dont know which codecs am missing, & how to fix problem with streams. Having problems. system not accepting my password. Am sending again. Hope it is not sent 2x.Thanks to U both.
Senior Member
12. August 2003 @ 16:28 |
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If you had directx 8 then Im pretty sure upgrading didnt really change anything.
So you must have installed the codecs that the movie needed to play.
1. To enable disabled codecs, just click on the box labeled disabled and choose the codec available, which for me is the libavcodec.
2. No you dont remove the divx 5.05 codec, all your doing is disabling FFDShow from decoding movies encoded with the divx5 codec. And by divx5 FFDShow means these following divx versions: 5.0, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04 and 5.05. So any movie encoded with either of these codecs will be decoded by either the FFDShow filter or the divx 5.05 codec depending on what you chose in the codec Options. So, if on the divx5 option you chose 'disable' then the divx 5.05 codec will decode your movies. If you chose 'libavcodec' FFDShow will decode them.
3. http://cutka.szm.sk/ffdshow/ or http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow/
4. Once installed FFDShow will only work with videos that have been encoded with codecs that FFDShow currently supports. If there is a movie that you wish for the FFDShow filter to decode or work with you must make sure that FFDShow is enabled for the codec the movie was encoded with. For example you have a movie encoded with the divx 5.05 codec. If you want FFDShow to decode that movie you must make sure that under the supported codec option that divx5 is enabled, by choosing libavcodec.